Tag Archives: Indigenous

Read, Listen, and Watch – November 2020

INDIGENOUS ACTION: An Autonomous Podcast

About the podcast: Welcome to Indigenous Action where we dig deep into critical issues impacting our communities throughout Occupied America/Turtle Island. This is an autonomous anti-colonial broadcast with unapologetic and claws-out analysis towards total liberation.  Available on iTunes, Spotify, and Google Play.

In this premiere broadcast some long-time Indigenous Action co-conspirators talk about their thoughts on “land acknowledgements.”

16 Sep: Indigenous Action Ep. 1: Acknowledge This!

Read, Listen, and Watch – November 2020

“WE SHALL REMAIN: America Through Native Eyes”

PBS documentary series, shown at ALANA Center’s Anti-thanksgiving events, and originally aired on PBS in 2009. “These five documentaries spanning almost four hundred years tell the story of pivotal moments in U.S. history from the Native American perspective, upending two-dimensional stereotypes of American Indians as simply ferocious warriors or peaceable lovers of the land”

Available through the Vassar College Libraries – DVD 5388

The first episode of the PBS series was directed by Chris Eyre (Smoke Signals,1998), which was written, directed, and acted by Native people and reenacts and historicizes the first thanksgiving.

Available through the Vassar College Libraries – DVD 8779

Literacy Moment – November 2020

BIPOC = Black, Indigenous, People of Color
A BIPOC lens puts Black abolition and Native Justice in conversation and coalition with one another. It highlights their historical intersections and differences and “the common ground of Afro-descendant and Indigenous experience, such as land dispossession, political marginalization, and a shared desire for sovereignty and self-determination.”

Taken from the Introduction to the special issue on “Rethinking Blackness and Indigeneity in the Light of Settler Colonial Theory” in American Indian Culture and Research Journal: Vol. 43, No. 2 (2019) http://www.books.aisc.ucla.edu/books

In particular see, “Settler/Colonial Violences: Black and Indigenous Coalition Possibilities through Intergroup Dialogue Methodology” with Vassar’s Professor Kimberly Williams Brown!

Also available through the Vassar College Libraries – E75 .A5124

Other Resources:
Yellow Head Institute – An Indigenous Abolitionist Study Guide
The BIPOC Project – A Black, Indigenous, & People of Color Movement