List of all Fall 2020 Grand Challenges Courses

Here is a list of all courses offered this Fall 2020 that are connected with the Grand Challenges Program:

Introductory Courses

CHEM 121-32. Chemical Principles (Alison Keimowitz)

SOCI 180-01.  The House is On Fire! Climate Change, Society, and Environment (Pinar Batur)

STS 179-01.  Climate Change (Un)certainty (José Perillán)

PSYC 105-04.   Psychological Science and Environmental Sustainability  (Sue Trumbetta)

MATH 121.  Calculus I (Adam Lowrance)

Affiliated Courses and Intensives

CLCS 175. Catalyzing STEM Communities that Care (Jan Cameron)

ENST 213.  Indigenous Environmental Activism (April Beisaw)

BIOL 356. Plants, Climate, and Society (Dianne Pater)
BIOL353. Restoration and Management on the Preserve (Meg Ronsheim)

BIOL 395. Faculty Mentored Research (Dianne Pater, Meg Ronsheim, Jodi Schwarz)


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