Studies of militarism, military empire, military service

 “Conscription and Social Inequalities in South Korea: Hierarchy among Men beyond Gender Inequality,” in Conscription in the Global Twentieth Century, edited by Amy J. Rutenberg (University Press of Kansas, forthcoming).

“U.S. Empire in the Post-World War II Era: The Global Network of Bases and Unequal Social Relations Structured by the Status of Forces Agreements (SOFAs),” in Companion to U.S. Empire, edited by Mischa Honeck and Mahshid Mayar (Berlin: De Gruyter, forthcoming).

“The Contentious Politics of US Bases Environmental Cleanups: Contradiction between Ethnic Nationalism and Transnational Militarism in South Korea,” in South Korea and the Politics of Ethnic Nationalism, edited by Timothy Lim (Lynne Rienners, forthcoming).

“Women’s Sexual Labor and Militarized Masculinity in the Cold War Alliance between South Korea and the U.S.” Oxford Handbook of East Asian Gender History, edited by Barbara Molony, Janet M. Theiss, and Hyaeweol Choi (Oxford University Press, 2024)

Race, Transnational Militarism, and Neocoloniality: The Politics of the THAAD Deployment in South Korea,Security Dialogue 52(6): 512-528. (The online version published in January 2021).

Transnational Militarism and Ethnic Nationalism: South Korean Involvements in the Vietnam and Iraq Wars,” co-authored with Nora Kim. Critical Military Studies (on line version published in January 2021; paper version will be published in 2023.)

“Special Issue: “Legacies of Militarism in the Korean Peninsula in the twenty-first century”: I selected three articles from open reviews of multiple submissions and worked with them closely to bring them together under the theme; wrote a substantial introduction, “On the Topic,” to the special issue, Korea Journal 58:3(Autumn 2018): 5-14.

“Militarized Modernity and Gendered Mass Mobilization” (chapter 2) in Routledge Handbook of Korean Culture and Society, edited by Youna Kim (New York and London: Routledge, 2017), pp. 48-62.

“JAS Mini-Forum: Culture around the Bases”: I edited three articles and wrote a substantial introduction to “Culture around the Bases: A Forum on the U.S. Military Presence in Northeast Asia,” Journal of Asian Studies 75:1(Feb. 2016): 31-39. 

“Sexual Labor and the U.S. Military Empire: Comparative Analysis of Europe and East Asia” (chapter 5) in Making the Empire Work: Labor and United States Imperialism, edited by Daniel E. Bender and Jana K. Lipmann (New York University Press, 2015), pp. 137-160.

“Rest and Recreation (R & R)” in The International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, edited by Patricia Whelehan and Anne Bolin. Malden, Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. (2015), pp. 1059-1114.

“Protesting the Expansion of U.S. Military Bases in Pyeongtaek: A Local Movement in South Korea,” South Atlantic Quarterly 111:4 (Fall 2012): 856-867.

“Introduction: The Politics of Gender, Sexuality, Race, and Class in the U.S. Military Empire” (co-authored with Maria Hoehn) in “Over There”: Living with the U.S. Military Empire (Duke University Press, December 2010), pp. 1-36.

“Regulating Desire, Managing the Empire: the U.S. Military Prostitution in South Korea, 1945-1970” in “Over There” (Chapter 1), pp. 39-77.

“In the U.S. Army but not quite of It: Contesting the Imperial Power in a Discourse of KATUSAs (Korean Augmentation Troops to the United States Army)” in “Over There” (Chapter 7), pp. 231-257.

“Camptown Prostitution and Imperial SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement): Abuse and Violence against Transnational Camptown Women in South Korea” in “Over There” (Chapter 11), pp. 337-365.

“Conclusion: The Empire at the Crossroad?” (co-authored with Maria Hoehn) in “Over There”, pp. 397-408.

“Trouble with Conscription, Entertaining Soldiers: Popular Culture and the Politics of Militarized Masculinity in South Korea” Men and Masculinities 8:1 (July 2005): 64-92.

“Imagining a Nation through Differences: Reading the Controversy concerning the Military Service Extra Points System in South Korea,” The Review of Korean Studies 5:2(December 2002): 73-109.

 “Beyond Equality Versus Difference: Professional Women Soldiers in the South Korean Army,” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society 9:2(Summer 2002): 212-247.

“Gender, Militarization, and Universal Male Conscription in South Korea,” in The Women and War Reader, eds. Lois Lorentzen and Jennifer Turpin (New York: New York University Press, 1998), pp. 90-100.