April Showers Bring May Flowers


The close of April not only marks the final stretch of the semester, but also the end of National Poetry Month. Throughout April, the Library Research Services hosted its second Annual Haiku Writing Contest. It started on 4/12 and ran through 4/26. Just under 100 haikus were submitted via both online and paper means.

Almost every poem followed the correct haiku format of 5-7-5 syllables. The Research Librarians read each poem, and went through three rounds in order to choose two honorable mentions, a runner-up, and an overall winner. Thanks, everyone, for sharing your haikus with us!  Sixteen of our favorites will be displayed in Main Library’s lobby for the next week.



1st Place:

Big young fresh homie,

Snap-backed in the ‘Lac, cash stacked –

Sings hallelujah.

KXA, 2016

2nd Place:

Flames roared and embers

sizzled off our parents’ car

as we muttered, “shit.”

– __________, 2018

Honorable Mentions:

Bros wearing pink shorts

Senior in carrel crying

Spring is in the air

Cat Zhou, 2015


Somebody’s phone dings.

A plurality of hands.

Mysteries remain.

– __________, 2016


New Zines Collection and Collaboratory Event

A sample of some of the zines in Vassar College Libraries

A sample of some of the zines in Vassar College Libraries

When we tell people we are staring a zine collection in the Vassar Library, we usually see one of two reactions, excitement or confusion: excitement over the potential this amazing format has to offer our community, but confusion, because many don’t really know what a zine is. Learn more about our zine collection and how you can help contribute to it!

What is a zine?

Zines are a DIY, self-published medium, incorporating voices and narratives frequently absent from more traditional publishing venues, with “zine” pronounced like “magazine” (without the “maga” part, as Alex Wrekk succinctly instructs us in Stolen Sharpie Revolution).

Why are you starting a collection at the library?

We feel that zines are one venue through which our community can express itself. With the college having opened up many lines of dialogue on campus in the past few years, the library thought that zines might offer another way for some to voice their thoughts and feelings. Not everyone wants to speak in front of a crowd; many prefer or simply enjoy the medium of writing and drawing and creating.

How can I contribute?

Right now, we are in the early stages of planning the space and the collection, but we always welcome donations from the community! Please contact zines@vassar.edu if you have a zine you would like us to add to our zine library. Currently the collection resides in a librarian’s office, but we are working on developing a public home for the zines in the main library. In the meantime, if you want to help us get our collection started, please join us in the Collaboratory from April 21-26.

What will you do with the zines?

Well, we’d love to preserve and share them just like we do other materials (books, periodicals, video, etc.)! We plan to share them with the public in a cozy new zines area, where they can be read and shared ad infinitum. Additionally, we are looking into the idea of digitally preserving the zines which we receive from the Vassar community, in hopes that they can be viewed and used by future generations of Vassar students who want to learn more about everyday Vassar life and culture in the 2010s. (Much like how we can use the Vassar diaries collection today!)

So what’s up with the Collaboratory?

The Collaboratory is Vassar’s Creative Arts Across Disciplines trailer, which is currently parked on the quad outside of Rocky. (You can learn more about the program in this Misc article, and check out their inspirational student-curated page here.) During the week of April 21-26, the Zine Library team will be hosting a zine-creating event which will open its doors to the public daily, inviting everyone and anyone to drop in and create. Your zine can be one page or many, small or large, singular or the beginning of a collection! Come draw, write, design, or do a little bit of everything. Ask us if you’d like ideas and inspiration. We would love to help you get started!

Where can I learn more?

Glad you asked! Please look to libguides.vassar.edu/zines as we continue to update the space with information and connections. In the spirit of zines, we welcome collaboration and input.

Notes for a Captive Audience: Wendy Graham

If you have gone to the washroom in Main Library lately, you will have noticed the Library Research Services’ monthly newsletter. For poetry month, our research intern, Molly James, interviewed Professor of English Wendy Graham about her research on author Henry James.

What is your current research focusing on? How did you decide on it?

When I finished Henry James’s Thwarted Love, I realized I did not want to become a cottage industry in Gay studies approaches to James, in other words, typecast. I’ve spent the last 14 years working on a manuscript about the British Pre-Raphaelites. This work focuses on artist collectives, homoeroticism, and fame. The Pre-Raphaelites relied on their friends, and paradoxically their enemies, to drum up interest in their poetry and painting in the Victorian media. I’ve relied on the library’s databases for access to hundreds of periodical and newspaper reviews, published between 1848-1945, to substantiate my argument that scandal was a vehicle for a serious reputation in Victorian cultural circles.

How did you become interested in Henry James? Why did you write a book on him?

Henry James is the greatest American writer from a stylistic point of view. Whenever I pick up a book to read recreationally, whether Elizabeth Bowen’s The Death of the Heart or Edward St. Aubyn’s Patrick Melrose novels, I invariably find references to Henry James’s craftsmanship. This is less surprising in Virginia Woolf or even Bowen, who’s writing in the 1930s, but Aubyn is writing this minute. Speaking both of the protagonist and, I very much fear, the author, that a drug addled upper class British twit, who was sexually abused by his father, finds James’s prose transfixing is good enough for me.

I’m looking forward to teaching Henry James in my six-week course in the fall.

Which resources do you use for your research and how do you access them? Do you use any of the resources that the Vassar Library offers?

I use databases that provide access to primary sources as well as current scholarly articles. The library used to have more hard copies of 19th-century periodicals, both American and British. I find it useful to browse in actual copies of newspapers and magazines, because advertising and marginalia, the layout of the magazine, and other details provide context that is hard to access in a digital format.

Does your research interests intersect with the courses you teach? If yes, how so?

There is a tricky balance between riding a hobby-horse in class, which can make students feel that their expectations or interests have been sidelined, and showing enthusiasm for research interests that intersect with courses. If I spend time on art in my Victorian literature class or English 170, it is partly because the visual evidence is such a compact and succinct way of delivering a message. For example, when I am trying to explain the Freudian concept “displacement,” I show students René Magritte’s 2 paintings titled Rape, which superimpose a torso on a human face.

April is National Poetry Month. What is a poem that you enjoy, and why?

I am teaching Swinburne this coming week, so I’ll pick one of his poems: “Laus Veneris,” which was inspired by a drawing on the Tannhäuser legend, and then inspired a painting by Edward Burne-Jones. I like the theme of the ‘sister arts’.