
Vassar College

Spring 2024

MATH 241 Probability

MATH 347 Bayesian Statistics

Courses that I’ve taught

MATH 126 Calculus IIA: Integration Theory

MATH 127 Calculus IIB: Sequences and Series

MATH 141 Introduction to Statistical Reasoning

CPMU / MATH 144 Foundations of Data Science

MATH 220 Multivariable Calculus

MATH 240 Introduction to Statistics

MATH 241 Probability (teaching and learning material from Spring 2021)

MATH 242 Applied Statistical Modeling

MATH 290 Field Work

MATH 301 Data Confidentiality / Statistical Data Privacy

MATH 341 Statistical Inference

MATH 347 Bayesian Statistics (teaching and learning material from Fall 2019; in Fall 2017, Spring 2019, Fall 2019 and Spring 2022, this course was offered through LACOL; find out more on the subpage Online/Blended Education)

MATH 298/399 Independent Study; current and previous topics include:

  1. Attribute Disclosure Risk Evaluation for Synthetic Data
  2. Bayesian Estimation of Future Realized Volatility
  3. Bayesian Inference with Python
  4. Bayesian Methods for Sparse Data
  5. Bayesian Network Analysis
  6. Bayesian Non-Parametric Models
  7. Bayesian Time Series
  8. Bayesian Variable and Model Selection
  9. Identification Risks of Partial Synthetic Data
  10. LACOL Course Developer
  11. Machine Learning Email Classification
  12. Pedagogical Partnership
  13. Python for Data Science
  14. Think Bayes
  15. Topics of Data Science
  16. Tree-Based Meth/Synthetic data

Duke University

Instructor, STA 101 Data Analysis and Statistical Inference, Summer 2014

Recipient of Certificate of College Teaching, Graduate School, Duke University, May 2015

Short courses/workshops

– ASA Traveling Course, Philadelphia and Southern Ontario Chapters

Introducing Bayesian Statistical Analysis into Your Teaching, Fall 2023 (co-instructor: Kevin Ross) (resources)

– eCOTS 2022

Introducing Bayesian Statistical Analysis into Your Teaching, May 2022 (co-instructor: Kevin Ross) (resources)

– USCOTS 2021

Introducing Bayesian Statistical Analysis into Your Teaching, June 2021 (co-instructor: Kevin Ross) (resources)

– Joint Statistical Meetings 2020

Bayesian Thinking: Fundamentals, Computation, and Hierarchical Modeling, November 2020 (co-instructor: Jim Albert)

– National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES) Lecture Series

Data Privacy: Bayesian Data Synthesis and Differential Privacy, June 2020

– Blended Learning in the Liberal Arts Conference

Teaching a Shared/Hybrid/Online Course using Zoom, May 2019 (slide deck)

– U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Introduction to Bayesian Inference in R, October 2018

– CIRJE, University of Tokyo

The Dirichlet Process and DP Mixture Models, January 2018

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