Application Checklist
Note: You as the researcher are responsible for checking the Covid-19 guidelines in the jurisdiction where the research will take place. Your application should indicate whether the guidelines apply to your project and, if so, how you will address any relevant safety concerns in your methods and procedures.
1. ____ Did you complete the Cover Sheet?
2. ____ Did you complete all 12 sections of the proposal, including subsections A-H of section 8?
3. ____ Did you explain and justify the level of risk? All projects carry some level of risk, even if the risk is minimal.
4. ____ Informed Consent. In your consent procedures did you:
_____ use language understandable to the subject or his or her legal representative?
_____ state that the project involved research?
_____ explain the purpose of the project and procedures involved?
_____ describe the foreseeable harm, discomfort, and risk?
_____ describe the benefits to the subject?
_____ describe the extent to which confidentiality of records are to be maintained?
_____ state how to contact the PI about questions?
_____ offer to answer any queries concerning the procedures?
_____ state that the person is free to discontinue participation at any time without penalty or prejudice?
_____ include a written consent form?
5. _____ Did you discuss whether deception is involved? If so, did you explain and justify it?
6. _____ Did you include copies of all relevant instructions and questions?
7. _____ Did you include a written statement of what the investigator will say to the participant regarding the research?
8. _____ Did you include the section on debriefing?
9. _____ Did you e-mail your properly named IRB Proposal and Cover Sheet to Please do NOT submit IRB applications directly to members of the IRB; doing so will result in lengthy processing delays.