Sprout Creek Farm

My name is Ethan and I am a sophomore from Freeport, ME. I am an ENST major so #ES291 is required but I am still really excited to explore the Hudson Valley through the lens of agriculture! I am a huge fan of cheese, kayaking, french fries, and Game of Thrones. On campus I work as a student fellow and a tour guide, lead for the Vassar outing club, sing in Home Brewed and play ultimate!

Today we headed to sprout creek farm to hang out with their dairy goats and dairy cattle! 10/10 cheese

Goat Love

My name is Tamika and I am from El Cerrito, CA (in the San Francisco Bay Area). I’m excited for this class because visiting local farms every week is very much my cup of tea 🙂

Tamika and a Goat!
Fulfilling my childhood dreams to be Heidi

Goat Friend

Julia and a goat at Sprout Creek Farm

Hi! My name is Julia and I’m an Environmental Studies major and a French Correlate and I’m from Arlington, MA.  Shortly after this photo was taken, this goat almost succeeded in eating the zipper off my jacket.

Oh wow a goat!

My name is Greg Suplinskas, and I am an Environmental Studies major from Wallingford, Connecticut.  I am looking forward to getting to know more about Hudson Valley agriculture this semester!

Me and Goat, Sprout Creek Farm
Me and Goat sharing a romantic moment.

Aidan and the Goats!

Hi everyone! My name is Aidan, and I’m from Washington, New Jersey. I’m looking forward to being a part of this class and smelling the fresh farm air every Friday afternoon.

Aidan and some goat friends

Here’s a picture of me with not one, but two goats–I was very popular!

Go(at)ing Crazy at Sprout Creek Farm!

Hi! I’m Tonya and I’m from Boulder, CO. I’m a Drama major with a Sustainability correlate, and the latter is the main reason why I’m in the class (but I also just like going on field trips and being with animals).

Today I learned that getting a good selfie with a goat is easier said than done!