Category Archives: Autobiography

Sans Jake

Dear Jake,

I’m sorry to hear you’re sick!! That like so sucks. But I’m sure it gives you more time to play Five Nights at Freddy’s or Minecraft or whatever you’re doing today. At least I hope you’re having a good relaxing day!

While you were gone, I drew more doodles than I know what to do with. Hung out with Kelsey and Hanna which was pretty swell. We talked about Kurt Vonnegut and the American Flag. Good timez!

I’ve still got out Australian story saved and I shed a single tear when I heard we wouldn’t be able to add to it today. But I’ll balance out that tear with more than a single smile when you get back!

I’ll be done now.



P.S. Did you get a chance to see The Hills Have Eyes???

Chiara’s GMO PSA

Hi, parents. I’m some random PSA announcer. I’m here to inform you about genetically modified foods. Genetically modified foods are foods that have been changed genetically. This is important to know so your kids don’t die or have an increase in sickness. They add to allergies, lower antibiotic resistance, harm other organisms, and create super weeds.

Antibiotic resistance is fighting against not getting you sick. GMO’s increase your resistance to not getting sick. Pretty much we are trying to tell you to avoid GMO’s.  If you want to know more look it up on the inter webs. THANK YOU for your time BYE BYE!

Audio Player



I describe myself as a girl that loves flowers and mine craft. i also love to cheerlead. I really love food! My favorite food if french fries.I eat french fries with ketchup. I have 2 dogs. i really want the iPhone 6. I have the iPhone 5. but its bigger and i love big phones.Iphone 6

The SLO Exam

The SLO exam is taken in fall and spring, and is used to measure your improvement during the year. It often makes you write essays in classes that have absolutely nothing to do with writing. For example, when do you ever have to write an essay in band? Art? Never, unless of course you are taking the SLO; which is supposed to gauge your development in that class. How exactly is a writing assignment supposed to show how you improved in a class that requires playing an instrument or drawing a picture? The thing is that it really doesn’t; you could just completely refuse to take the exam in the beginning or just not try very hard, then, at the end of the year try on it a bit to show some sort of fake improvement. It would be much better to have an exam that has to do with the class. In band, why not do a solo? In art, you could draw a picture and try to redraw it at the end of the year to show your refinement in that medium.

Sharifa Daisley


Hello. My name is Sharifa Daisley. I am a Junior at Poughkeepsie High School. I do crew and swim. I play the clarinet and really wish I play trumpet. I have a little sister who is also in Digital Story Telling, her name is Z. I’ve gotten my first car his name is Sheldon.  I have a dog Fluffy he an attention hog who loves belly rubs. My favorite mythological creature is a pentacorn (five-horned unicorn).



This is a nicer version on Sheldon, maybe a cousin named Sarah.