Monthly Archives: September 2014
A little about Lars Odland
As the title suggests, my name is Lars. I am a sophomore and a tentative history major. I have four dogs, and many more sweaters. I am a research assistant in the History department, and previously worked at the library reserve desk. I have two radio shows, and am always interested in listening to new music.
I am deciding between pursuing a teaching certificate and double majoring in Educational Studies (and History).
Nich’s Intro, “Who am I”
Who am I, is the big question that every person must answer and believe the answer that is generated. I believe that I have come up with my answer.
I am a Vassar College student in his fourth year, or a senior. I play sports at a high level, currently the sport that I am choosing to participate in is Rugby. Rugby is a sport that gets a bad rep for being really brutal, but I don’t think it is. I find it a very controlled sport that gives a place for a very physical nature. I enjoy the sport quite a bit.
I came from Redondo Beach California, although currently my home is in New Jersey. I went to RUHS, a large Public high school with more than 2000 people.
I know who I am, now, do you know who you might be?
Gaby’s Introduction
My name is Gaby and I’m a junior here at Vassar. I’m a math major pursuing secondary school teaching certification and I hope to teach high school after I graduate. I’ve loved my Education courses so far and I’m looking forward to learning about digital storytelling this semester!
Sarah’s Introduction
Hello, my name is Sarah Murphy. I am a junior at Vassar, where I am majoring in Sociology and studying to be an elementary school teacher. I am from Brooklyn, New York, and I have enjoyed living in the less fast paced and much more tree-filled Hudson Valley.
I love running, reading novels, cooking, eating ice-cream and watching all types of movies.
And, feel free to learn more about me, by clicking the link below of my video autobiography!
Meet Katie T.
Hi, I’m Katie and my favorite things to do are travel, put outfits together, and sleep. I’m a senior, and I’m studying to be a teacher. Last semester I interned at a school in Clifden, Ireland, and team taught a creative writing unit with my friend Katie. I was able to teach both middle and high school students there, and I have to say I can’t decide which age group I like better. I’d like to be an English teacher, although I also think working as a school librarian would also fulfill my goal of getting students excited about reading.
Baynard’s Intro
Baynard Bailey is an Academic Computing Consultant for Vassar College.
Baynard has a Master’s degree in Education with a focus on Instructional Technology. He taught for 16 years before coming to Vassar. He loves helping to develop multimedia projects in support of learning and teaching. He especially likes video and audio podcasting projects and anything Web 2.0 (blogs, wikis, & social networking).
Baynard ’90 is a product of Vassar’s education department. He has K-12 teaching experience in Indonesia, Japan and the United States. His last job before coming to Vassar was teaching Computer Science and Information Technology at Carver Center for Arts & Technology in the Baltimore County School System.
Test post