Monthly Archives: September 2014

Katie and Simone’s Audacity Project

“Why I’m Skipping the Pep Rally” by Simone and Katie

This Friday, I’m asking my mom for a note excusing me from pep rally. Here’s why. Pep rallies are loud, obnoxious, and exclusionary. The whole thing centers around the football team, which isn’t even good, while our math team competes and does well, and I didn’t even know we had a math team until last year. The different clubs and activity groups enter through one door and circle around the gym. When they’re done and seated, the football team enters through another set of doors, because they’re that special. FAVORITISM! The kings have arrived, and the crowd goes wild.

The pep rally recognizes a lot of clubs, but they aren’t recognized equally, and that’s the problem. All other sports and clubs are considered second to the football team, a sign of the favoritism toward male sports. Even the performing band falls victim to the chaos, as they can’t be heard while the seniors and freshmen engage in a shouting match across the gym. Pep rallies makes me hate my peers instead of love my school.


Audio Player

Rough Draft, The Feels PSA

Today, this public service announcement is all about the feels. But what exactly are feels?

Feels, short for feelings, is a worldwide epidemic attacking our youth. Occasionally, though, it can reach those of older generations.

The feels come about when a person hears, views or reads a moving piece, or tastes something delicious. Some examples of this may include, but are most definitely not limited to:

  • Titanic
  • The Notebook
  • The Fault in Our Stars
  • If I Stay
  • Where She Went
  • Lock and Key
  • Beysus (formerly known as Beyoncé)
  • Harry Potter
  • The Boy in the Striped Pajamas
  • Nutella & Mountain Dew
  • Sam Smith
  • Warm Bodies

Look, I could list twenty more feel-inducing things, but ain’t nobody got time fo that. The point is, feels are everywhere, are easy to catch unless you have no soul, and everyone can catch them. The best way to avoid them is to not live life to its fullest, but then you would be a square.

Next week : Beware of Squares!!


He Really Couldn’t But We Don’t Know Yet…

Audio Player

The Little Pirate That Could But Really Couldn’t

                                 Sharifa Daisley

There once was a pirate name Pete. Pete was lame. Yes he goes to pirate school and yes he lived on a boat, but he had no peg leg and no eye patch , and worst of all Pete had never found treasure. One day Pete went to Pirate school and got there late and found that Jake was bragging. Jake had battled a sea dragon. He described how it raged and how it breathed acidic foam, because he is a sea dragon and not a fire dragon. Pete snickered and rolled his eyes and Jake ain’t no punk. Pete acted brave and said, ”  I could top that!” and Jake said, “Prove it, pegless wonder, I dare you to go find the Ne_____ Treasure!” Everyone gasped. The Ne______ Treasure was ne____ found hence the unfinished name. Pete accepted the challenge and ran home with both legs to get his Pentacorn Carrot and their journey began….

                                    To Be Continued

rough draft of having fun cookin

Hi my name is Zylynya. Ever feel like drinking an exotic drink? Want to try a new fruit?  well, I’ve got your solution. Today ill be teaching you how to make sour sap juice. This is a drink that originates in the West Indies. I learned it from my mom. Let”s get started!

First  you need sour sap. Since its hard to find you can use frozen sour sap pieces. Just make sure their not sour. Then you’ll need condensed milk. Having fun yet? Condense milk is my favorite! Next, one can of evaporated milk, but make sure all of it hasn’t evaporated. Last, one spoon of vanilla essence.

Okay, now we can get started! First, put the sour sap in a bowl and if there are still seeds and skin remove them. Next plug in the blender. For kids you should have an adult help you. Blend the fruit. Then, add both evaporated and condensed milk with the vanilla essence. Last, put the drink into the refrigerator so that it can cool.

After, you can decorate the glass that you pour your drink in. You can also decorate it with a little fan.  Goodbye for now and enjoy!



These are some of my favorite things!

  • Food
  • School
  • Family
  • Technology
  • Pets
  • Shopping
  • Nature
  • Athletics
  • Pink (the color)
  • Wear accessories
  • Suspenders
  • Bow ties
  • Instagram

How I would describe myself using emojis! I like emojis because they are fun and you can express yourself through them.

🙂 :* 😀 :’D

My full name is Shamara Ameena Wethington Mizell. My name means “He who defines truthful and honesty.”

Podcasts, Audacity and a PSA


A)    Listen and analyze two PSA’s. Complete the analysis worksheet.


Example 2

B)    Brainstorm, then choose and write down your topic for your PSA.

C)    Choose and write down your intended audience.

D)    Compose a rough draft of your PSA. Please compose it in WordPress and make a post, using the category “PSA”. Revise as needed. Save and Publish before the end.

E)     Add the categories of both partner’s names to your post.

F)     Keep working on your PSA.


PSA Writing Tips:

  1. Capture your audience’s attention by asking questions directed especially to them.
  2. Stick to essential information.
  3. Use emotion to get your audience involved.
  4. Call the audience to action.
  5. Include contact information. Repeat difficult or key information.
  6. Read your script aloud.
  7. Include attention getting sounds.
  8. Have fun.
  9. Aim for 30 seconds (about 100 words).
  10. Revise as needed.
  11. Feel free to invent information in order to complete your PSA.
  12. Don’t get stuck.


G)    Add a related image to your PSA WordPress post.

H)    Record your PSA in Audacity if you have time.



eHow: How to Write a PSA

Scholastic PSA Lesson Plan\

in-depth PSA tips

Choose and write down your intended audience.

Tips on Preparing a PSA

Handout – psa+worksheet

Jadeen’s Bio

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My name is Jadeen Sampson. I’m 13 years old and was born on December 18, 2000. I am from Brooklyn, NY. I like to watch T.V and call people on the phone such as my friends, family. My favorite T.V shows are American Dad, Family Guy, Cleveland Show, and much more. I have 3 sisters, and 1 brother. I also like to write short stories. I love to watch horror movies and comedy movies, and also LOVE & HIP-HOP: ATLANTA. I like to spend time with my friends at school, movies, and the Cafeteria. My favorite things to do are to draw, take pictures, and play football. I wanna make a difference in this world; I want to be somebody big.


Did you know that hummus could also be spelt as hommus? I usually hate hummus but I am praising Cedar’s Hommus, this is literally the best hummus I have ever eaten.

Hi, I’m Hanna, 16, really digging hummus at the moment, Poughkeepsie High School Junior. This is like the 5th time I’ve done this program (and I’m still loving it!) I’m gonna be really sentimental right now and your’e gonna listen to it (as said by Kelsey). I’ve felt like theres been a lot of change though these 3 years; I remember being a little seedling and the first time I made a podcast but now, I feel like I’m so old. I feel old. Jesus. Three years ago I was probably just chilling, thinking not about hummus, my thought subjects have changed since then.

Thoughts I Probably Had In The Eighth Grade

  • Not Hummus
  • How I’m gonna get home from DST
  • I’m gonna walk on the grass when my mom isn’t looking
  • Feeling neutral about school subjects

Thoughts I Have Now

  • Yasssss Hummus
  • Cheeze Its
  • This Bio
  • I want a coke
  • I want a coke with name spelled right
  • Ehh about the name Hector
  •  Playing Carter (my bass)



All About Mya Finch <3

That's me ( :

That’s me ( :


My name is Mya Finch and I’m 10 years old. I go  to Poughkeepsie Middle School. My favorite subjects are art and science because I love to draw and I love science experiments. I am a cheerleader for Pop Warner and I’ve been one for 2 years. My favorite foods are pizza, mac and cheese and ice cream. My favorite toppings on my pizza are chicken and bacon and my favorite toppings on my ice cream are nuts, rainbow sprinkles, and cherries.

Megan’s introduction

Hey, my name is Megan! I am a sophomore at Poughkeepsie high school. My favorite color is my blue and that’s about all the favorites I know. I’m horrible at picking favorites, really. I love drawing, I’ve been drawing since I could practically hold a pencil. I used to know how to draw animals but that all kind of went out the window as soon as I learned how to draw people.