“Why I’m Skipping the Pep Rally” by Simone and Katie
This Friday, I’m asking my mom for a note excusing me from pep rally. Here’s why. Pep rallies are loud, obnoxious, and exclusionary. The whole thing centers around the football team, which isn’t even good, while our math team competes and does well, and I didn’t even know we had a math team until last year. The different clubs and activity groups enter through one door and circle around the gym. When they’re done and seated, the football team enters through another set of doors, because they’re that special. FAVORITISM! The kings have arrived, and the crowd goes wild.
The pep rally recognizes a lot of clubs, but they aren’t recognized equally, and that’s the problem. All other sports and clubs are considered second to the football team, a sign of the favoritism toward male sports. Even the performing band falls victim to the chaos, as they can’t be heard while the seniors and freshmen engage in a shouting match across the gym. Pep rallies makes me hate my peers instead of love my school.
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