Category Archives: Workshop

Turn Your Music Down!!!

headphonesDramatic Music and car crash, person screaming:

Do your parents ever tell you to turn your music down while your are walking in the street

Do they sound annoying to you?


Stop and think twice before you walk down the street with your music too loud. Because your distracted you cannot notice your surroundings and what’s going on. a car could come and hit you because you can’t hear the horn. You could get kidnapped or hurt by someone walking behind you. We’re not trying to ruin your fun, but you can prevent getting hurt if you simply turn your music down and be aware of your surroundings. 1800- turn- your-music- down if you have a problem

so next time you hear your parents tell you

insert parent voice:

“turn down your music young lady”

and you want to say

:insert turn down for what music clip:

remember they want the best for you.

if you need help finding the the turn down button again pick up the phone and call 1800 turn your music down NOW right NOW


Listen to it here


PSA- Dangers of Genetically Modified Food

How much do you really know about the foods you eat? Do you know that many of the foods you eat are genetically modified? There are several dangers of genetically modified foods including:


1. Adds to increase in allergies

2. Can change foods DNA

3. Creates antibiotic resistance

4. Can create “super” weeds

5. Harm other organisms

Over all GMOs are harming the environment in general and biodiversity and the functioning of ecosystems in particular. 🙁

WHY?? Why are these foods in our grocery stores?!!!!????! Super mad face :/{

Look at labels and check the ingredients for Genetically Modified Foods. Try eating foods without them like Cheerios! YAY!!!!!




PSA – Hazards of Smoking

Gary won the lottery and won $4,000. Unfortunately, he smoked one pack of cigarettes a day. In a year, this spent his winnings and another $562.50In addition to the heart and lung problems, he wasted $4,562.50 on cigarettes. Do you have the money? Instead of smoking, try jogging, singing, swimming, dancing, writing, or other things that you can’t do with asthma or other heart an lung problems. Don’t smoke. It’s not a joke.quit-smoking-save-money


Smoking weed is bad for you. Just because you see other people doing it doesn’t mean you have to. Weed can make it difficult for you to solve problems. Smoking is NOT a good thing.

Think about your schoolwork.

Think about your younger siblings.


Think about your self.

Think about your health.

Marijuana can affect the areas in your brain that plays a part in response to stress, motivation, and reward. Weed can mess up your lungs, too. For example it can make it hard for you to breathe. Weed is not legal at ALL. Never do it even if you’re asked to by a “friend”. BE YOURSELF WEED CAN AFFECT YOUR HEALTH!!!!!!!

If you wanna learn more go on this website.

PSA Workshop


A)    Listen and analyze two PSA’s. Complete the analysis worksheet.


Example 2


B)    Brainstorm, then choose and write down your topic for your PSA.

C)    Choose and write down your intended audience.

D)    Compose a rough draft of your PSA. Please compose it in WordPress and make a post, using the category “PSA”. Revise as needed. Save and Publish before the end.

E)     Add the categories of both partner’s names to your post.

F)     Keep working on your PSA.


PSA Writing Tips:radifreeurope

  1. Capture your audience’s attention by asking questions directed especially to them.
  2. Stick to essential information.
  3. Use emotion to get your audience involved.
  4. Call the audience to action.
  5. Include contact information. Repeat difficult or key information.
  6. Read your script aloud.
  7. Include attention getting sounds.
  8. Have fun.
  9. Aim for 30 seconds (about 100 words).
  10. Revise as needed.
  11. Feel free to invent information in order to complete your PSA.
  12. Don’t get stuck.


G)    Add a related image to your PSA WordPress post.

H)    Record your PSA in Audacity if you have time.



eHow: How to Write a PSA

Scholastic PSA Lesson Plan\

in-depth PSA tips

Choose and write down your intended audience.

Tips on Preparing a PSA

Handout – psa+worksheet