PowerPoint Workshop

PowerPoint is a common digital presentation tool available to educators. Here’s a list of features I’dpowerpoint like to cover today:

  • Creating a presentation
  • Templates
  • Adding slides
  • Layouts
  • Slide sorter view (views)
  • Backgrounds
  • Making your own template
  • Adding images
  • Microsoft clip art
  • animated gifs
  • adding sounds
  • Presenting
  • Presenting from where you are
  • speaker notes and multi-screen integration
  • Recording timings
  • Transitions
  • Narration
  • Shapes, Drawing, Colors
  • PowerPoint Integration – Slideshare, Articulate, Google Presentations
  • Exporting as images
  • Exporting as Movies
  • Saving as .pdf
  • Simple Animations


Cyber-bullying is not cool. It can cause a lot of damage to someone.

Would you ever want to be cyber-bullied? I thought not.

Cyber-bullying is when bullying takes place over the Internet, social networks, or technology devices. It can happen on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Kik and etc.

Cyber-bullying can cause someone to feel alone, sad, hurt, or clueless about what’s going on. It can even cause suicide.

If you or your friend has ever been cyber-bullied, you are not alone. You can get help from your parents, family members, the guidance counselor, teachers and close friends.

To help a friend who is being cyber-bullied, you can speak up and tell an adult if your friend is too shy.

Pokémon PSA

Target Audience: relatively new people to Pokémon

Message: Information on Pokémon X and Y

Capture audience by playing start of original theme song, then fade into dialog


With the new X and Y Pokémon, there are now 718 Pokémon in the Pokémon universe. There are Mega evolutions for certain Pokémon, but can only be activated in battle, and while using a specific stone for the evolution. there is also a new Pokémon type – Fairy Type! Eevee is not a Fairy Type, but a normal type Pokémon taht has an evolution for each type. It is no surprise that Eevee has a Fairy type evolution, called Sylvean.

No Texting and Walking

Do you love to text?

Do you do it and walk?

Well you shouldn’t

More than 1500 people are treated at emergency rooms for cell phone related accidents

Your friends can wait.

Watch your step.

It may result in a trip to the E.R.
