Author Archives: euroh

Reflections from the semester

For the first few weeks of the semester, I unfortunately did not have a consistent partner in the program– that is, until Taylor came along! I first met Taylor right after spring break, when she came to our Adolescent Literacy class for the first time. We have done a number of projects, such as a Power Point on how to draw a face, a video based on the poem, “Homework, I Love You”, and a how-to video on the grossest sandwich ever. It has been a lot of fun to learn with Taylor on the art of crafting a story– as it truly is a different process for everyone. I feel as I learned equally from Taylor as she did from me. I have further enjoyed learning about Taylor and Meghan’s ambitious graphic novel project. It has been really inspiring to be with and learn from two high school students who are just so passionate about their own creative project. I am really glad I was able to be a part of their creative production process as they complete the prologue of the graphic novel for their final project! Watch out world, Taylor and Meghan’s graphic novel is coming to a bookstore near you!

During the Digital Storytelling Program here at Vassar, I have learned and experienced new ways of writing and telling stories. I was not aware that some of the things we did classified into proper writing, like the “how to” portion of the program. For example, I did a “How to Draw a Face” tutorial on Microsoft Power Point. Also, you never think about the effort that goes into different stores, like comics. What interested me in this program was one of the ideas for the final project, the graphic novel. During this program I have come to realize that all comic book writers have to think out a plot and dialogue to go with it, like writing a standard story except with pictures. Writing requires a lot of thinking over and coming up with new ideas with other people. I got to have a hands-on experience with my partner, Eunice. We got to exchange thoughts and ideas with each other while working on different projects. Overall, I really enjoyed this program and hope to do it again!

No Texting and Walking

Do you love to text?

Do you do it and walk?

Well you shouldn’t

More than 1500 people are treated at emergency rooms for cell phone related accidents

Your friends can wait.

Watch your step.

It may result in a trip to the E.R.


Eunice Roh

361d801Eunice Roh is a junior at Vassar College, where she studies sociology with a focus on education. In particular, she is interested in studying English Language Learner (ELL) students and hopes to pursue a related subject in her senior thesis. She hopes to someday pursue a career in education research. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, listening to podcasts, knitting, cooking, and eating.

Here is a link to my introductory autobiography.