Monthly Archives: February 2014

PowerPoint Workshop

PowerPoint is a common digital presentation tool available to educators. Here’s a list of features I’dpowerpoint like to cover today:

  • Creating a presentation
  • Templates
  • Adding slides
  • Layouts
  • Slide sorter view (views)
  • Backgrounds
  • Making your own template
  • Adding images
  • Microsoft clip art
  • animated gifs
  • adding sounds
  • Presenting
  • Presenting from where you are
  • speaker notes and multi-screen integration
  • Recording timings
  • Transitions
  • Narration
  • Shapes, Drawing, Colors
  • PowerPoint Integration – Slideshare, Articulate, Google Presentations
  • Exporting as images
  • Exporting as Movies
  • Saving as .pdf
  • Simple Animations