Update: Evil Bunny Project

In our most recent meeting, Karen and Amanda, whose respective partners were out for the day, teamed up together to create a temporary partnership. After some rapid bonding over a math worksheet, we got to work on Karen’s project. Because Karen and Michelle had a well formulated plan from the previous session, we were able to pick up right where they left off and round of the story of the Evil Velveteen Rabbit. Before diving headfirst into the writing of the story, we created story arc and Karen determined her story’s, rising actions, climax, and falling actions; we used the original Velveteen Rabbit as a jumping off point. Karen found an online of the version to remind us of the details of the story. Here is the link we used:


After we mapped out the story, Karen began writing and we talked about the importance of distinguishing between her words and the original text through quotation, citation, and italics. Karen was able to draft the story’s beginning and rising actions. Hopefully next session she can complete the first draft and start working on revision. Although Karen and Amanda may not have another opportunity to work together, Amanda is looking forward to seeing how the final project turns out.

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