Berenstein Bears podcast

My podcast pays homage to the late Jan Berenstein, who passed away at the end of February 2012. Jan co-authored and co-illustrated the Berenstein Bears series, which is a childhood favorite of mine. In this podcast, I highlight Jan and her work, and I discuss my favorite book in the series using dialogue clips and music from the animated TV show as well as a short interview with my Mom about using the books to teach her kids.

I was thinking this could be used in a high school English/Media class to discuss childhood books, films or TV shows. Not only would the project allow students to reflect on their childhood literary influences, but it would also challenge them to efficiently summarize using various types of media sources.

Warning: this podcast is REALLY cheesy. Also, I had to import it into Quicktime Video because the Audacity file was too big—so the sound quality was a little compromised.

Berenstein Bears podcast

Manny and Henry’s Update 2/28

This whole time in digital storytelling we have been changing our ideas but, i think today we finally have the tools to finish our project. So we found a way to import YouTube video onto the the desktop (after a whole lot of trial and error). I think that from now on, we’ll be able to actually work on the project instead of trying to learn how to do everything. We plan on continuing our original project and will compile videos from YouTube into a commercial for Michael Jordan sneakers in the next few weeks.

Today, Manny also worked on a written piece that will accompany his digital project. He’s decided to write a short piece about Michael Jordan’s rise to fame and will trace his trajectory from underdog to superstar athlete. He is still working on a rough draft, but it looks very promising. We just have to figure out how to tie this paper into the digital project.

Update: Emily and Fiona

Fiona and I finished the first draft of our script this week! This will definitely be a movie that all different kinds of people will appreciate. It is a mystery movie that will keep you guessing, but this week, we added in some drama, romance, and a few historical references. Fiona and I have both decided to play characters in the movie, although we are looking for four other females and one male…so if you’re interested in acting, let us know! Next week we plan to edit the script and scope out some sites on campus for filming.
Fiona and Emily


This week we found some really good goals and really good saves from FIFA to include in our video. We watched the long Madden highlights video and marked the times of the clips that we thought would work in our video. Over the next couple of weeks, Kevin is going to get some footage off of his own PS3 for us to use.

Next time we meet we’ll post some of the videos Kevin films of himself playing, and hopefully some video of his trip to visit his brother in Missouri.


Time to go play some video games.

Writing for Authentic Purposes and Public Audiences

Reading Singer’s and Shagoury’s piece on Stirring Up Justice, I was struck by how big of a difference it can make when a teacher establishes a very clear purpose for student writing. Instead of asking students to write pieces exclusively for the teacher to read, judge, and grade, the students were aware from the beginning that they were creating something for a larger audience. More than that, they were creating something with the specific goal: “to teach others about how to make positive change in their area of concern” (330). When a student writes an assignment and knows that their sole audience is their teacher, I think the process of writing can too easily become centered around pleasing the teacher or writing what the teacher wants to hear. There isn’t a clearly defined goal or purpose, other than “get a good grade” or “impress the teacher” or “write well”. In expanding the audience for what students are working on, it opens up space to consider a wider array of purposes for writing. I love the idea of having students work towards teaching their peers and communities. Asking students to move beyond content absorption into critical thinking and communication helps get students invested in their own work, and the work of the other students in the class.

The teacher in the article also made an effort to give the students an audience for their work by starting the year with blank walls and bulletin boards and filling them with student work as the year went on. The spaces on classroom walls are often filled with famous quotes, or exceptional work from past students. Putting student work in these locations that students associate with knowledge, learning, and wisdom can, I think, be really empowering. Having current student work dominate the walls of the classroom embodies the idea that the classroom is theirs, and reenforces the idea that it is their perspectives that matter most in the class. It also makes literal and tangible to concept of building a classroom environment. The students literally create their own classroom space. I also love that this allows for a fresh start to each year. I think it would help me go into every year with an open mind, ready to work with new students and not just continue to do what worked with students in the past.

Fiona and Emily’s Mystery Movie!

Hi Everyone!

We are almost finished with the script for our thrilling mystery movie! We don’t have a title for the project just yet, but we’ll update you as soon as we know!

Our movie plays with the concept of rumors and what they can do to a person’s reputation. It is the story of four teenage girls who set out to save their friend, Jenny, who has gone to the home of “the old witch”. None of the girls have ever talked to “the old witch,” but they have heard that she has some dangerous magical powers. Is Jenny in danger…or have the girls let their imaginations get the best of them? You’ll just have to wait and see!


Today we made a story board for our video project. We’re making a video of highlights from Madden 12 and FIFA 12. We looked at some pretty cool stuff. We got to see some crazy tricks and goals.

The Madden video had crazy catches and touchdowns. Cam Newton… How does he do that.

Next time, we’re going to work on figuring out the music and getting the rest of our video clips.

Kevin isn’t going to be here next week, he’s visiting his brother at Army training camp in Missouri.

Until two weeks from now,


Calvin and Kevin



Fiona’s Bio

My name is Fiona. I am 13 and I go to Poughkeepsie Middle School. Here is a little about myself:

I love playing soccer and rowing. I’ve been around rowing all my life. My dad coaches a team and my parents both row on HRRA (Hudson River Rowing Association).

I love to read and like to write anything from a book to a poem. I love music, and have been to a couple concerts!

Day 2 of Digital Project

Today we revised our previous ideas and thought of some other topics. We have decided to work on a different type of commercial. Instead of creating a commercial of my own shoe brand, I wanted to use some video clips of the one and only Michael Jordan to market his shoe brand.


Heres one clip we think of using;