Emily and Fiona: update

After finally finishing our stellar movie script last class, Fiona and I had to confront the issue of filming the whole movie. While we were both up for the challenge of filming and editing, we had to admit that there simply is not enough time left in the semester to undertake the project in its entirety. Our solution? A movie trailer! By creating a trailer, we are still able to produce a visual project without having to worry about running out of time! We first viewed some of our favorite movie trailers to get to know the components of a trailer. We then started filming the first few scenes and made plans to finish the filming next class. Here are a few examples of our favorite trailers!

The Hunger Games: 

The Lorax: 


Michelle & Karen: E.V.R. Update

We started to re-write E.V.R. We took major errors and fixed them, incorporated vivid imagery, and took it upon ourselves to explain the plot further. We constantly asked ourselves the questions who, what, where, when, why, and how? to improve the story. We also worked on developing the characters more fully by trying to show their conflicted emotions. We got halfway through the story and next time we’ll move onto the second half.

Sharifa & Sarah Update

Today we decided to take our project in a little bit of a different direction! A twist! We decided to create a blog that will be a place for us to collect YouTube videos as well as post our own. We decided to do this because it will let Sharifa voice her opinions and commentary on a lot of different topics and YouTube videos. We are going to draw on a lot of different kinds of YouTube videos- funny videos, Improv videos, videos about music, educational videos, and explain why Sharifa thinks they are funny, interesting, important to see, etc.

Today we made our first post about Improv Everywhere. We created a link to an Improv Everywhere video, and Sharifa wrote a paragraph explaining why this video is cool and important.


Johnise and Emma’s Update

Johnise: I am starting on my poem and I got more than I expected accomplished. I am saying what makes me unique, what makes me happy or sad, and how I move through the world. The rest is secret. Shhhhh…

Emma: The poem is started! We talked about some different poetic techniques (like alliteration) and used online resources like merriam webster and rhymer. Hopefully we’ll be able to put the poem “in motion” soon.

Raffi & David: Update

David decided to do a video-essay about Subway. Earlier on, he was interested in pursuing a look into the (un)healthiness of McDonald’s restaurants—but since “Supersize Me” has already covered that territory, we decided to take the project into a different direction. Subway is often advertised as the “healthy” and “fresh” option in the fast food world, but after looking at some of the nutrition facts, we discovered otherwise.

As of right now, we’ve selected several Subway advertisements, and written a script analyzing the messages being conveyed by the restaurant. Instead of looking at the contents of the sandwich, we’ve looked at the facts which include the number of calories and sodium.

Today we finished recording the script on Audacity, and hopefully next week we will be able to insert it into a video and add some music/sound-effects.

fiffa vs madden

We figured out the song we want for our add is going to be Not Afraid. I saw my brother in Missouri. He wached my clips.Calvin was not here today but we will upload our clipps next week.I saw this movie called BLACK HAWK DOWN.

Podcast: The American Revolutions

My podcast is designed for a high school US history classroom. It is meant to be part of a series called “The American Revolutions” that explores various examples of grassroots “revolutionary” movements throughout American history. This particular “episode” is about the populist movement in the 1880s and 1890s. It is just an introduction to the topic, so it would have to be supplemented with class readings. After listening to the podcast, the class would start a discussion about the movement.

The American Revolutions

Lesson on Chinese Tones

tone lesson

The podcast I have attached is an introduction to Chinese tones. It includes examples of the different tones, why they are so important in speaking and instruction on how to keep practicing to achieve fluency in speech. This podcast is meant to be used at home when students are practicing their speaking. I have found that the best way to master tones is to listen to other people speak and repeat after them.

Music Freewriting Podcast

Hey all,

For my podcast, I did a session of freewriting to samples of different types of music (classical, noise, street drumming, etc). When the session ends, the students are meant to write about what music they thought worked well, what didn’t, and how this could be useful. During the freewrite, they are supposed to just write whatever comes to mind without worrying about spelling, grammar, etc. It’s aimed at middle school students but would probably work with all ages. Unfortunately my old computer has an overactive fan, and noise removal of so much sound made my voice sound robotic, so the sound’s a bit off.

Music Freewriting Podcast