Today we made a story board for our video project. We’re making a video of highlights from Madden 12 and FIFA 12. We looked at some pretty cool stuff. We got to see some crazy tricks and goals.

The Madden video had crazy catches and touchdowns. Cam Newton… How does he do that.

Next time, we’re going to work on figuring out the music and getting the rest of our video clips.

Kevin isn’t going to be here next week, he’s visiting his brother at Army training camp in Missouri.

Until two weeks from now,


Calvin and Kevin




Today we made a story board for our video project. We’re making a video of highlights from Madden 12 and FIFA 12. We looked at some pretty cool stuff. We got to see some crazy tricks and goals.

The Madden video had crazy catches and touchdowns. Cam Newton… How does he do that.

Next time, we’re going to work on figuring out the music and getting the rest of our video clips.

Kevin isn’t going to be here next week, he’s visiting his brother at Army training camp in Missouri.

Until two weeks from now,


Calvin and Kevin



Fiona’s Bio

My name is Fiona. I am 13 and I go to Poughkeepsie Middle School. Here is a little about myself:

I love playing soccer and rowing. I’ve been around rowing all my life. My dad coaches a team and my parents both row on HRRA (Hudson River Rowing Association).

I love to read and like to write anything from a book to a poem. I love music, and have been to a couple concerts!

Day 2 of Digital Project

Today we revised our previous ideas and thought of some other topics. We have decided to work on a different type of commercial. Instead of creating a commercial of my own shoe brand, I wanted to use some video clips of the one and only Michael Jordan to market his shoe brand.


Heres one clip we think of using;

So many things to do with YouTube!

We’ve been busy making plans for our YouTube project! Today we created a YouTube account that will be a place for us to put our videos. Sharifa is on YouTube all the time, it’s something she really enjoys. This project will let us become creators of YouTube videos instead of just viewers. Sharifa is planning to make weekly videos about opinions, things that go on in her day that are “totally amazing,” random stuff, and anything else that is interesting or exciting. Sharifa says, “people don’t express themselves face to face anymore, YouTube is the new way.” We both think YouTube is a really cool place to express yourself- ” If YouTube was cut off for a week, people would go crazy!!” We also think that YouTube can be a really useful resource. For example, Sharifa learned how to play the chorus of Katy Perry’s “Firework” on the clarinet from a YouTube video, and she learned how to tie knots. Sharifa uses YouTube as an educational tool. She watches “Minute Physics,” and has learned about dark matter or how hydrogen has a sound! She also watches videos like “America’s History in a Nutshell,” that relate to things she’s learning in school. We also think YouTube can just be really fun and funny!

Here’s an example of a MinutePhysics video that explains how observation impacts an experiment:

Here’s a video that’s just kind of goofy! But it also expresses interesting ideas about new technology and how it can be kind of crazy!

And here’s a video of GlitchMob a band that Sharifa discovered on Pandora and then found on YouTube! YouTube is a great resource for music too!

Motion Poetry Project

Johnise: so HEY!

im going to write a poem and with that poem im going to have motion to go along with it.

kinda to explain what my poem is about..similar to Billy Collin’s “action poems”.


Emma: Billy Collins was a US poet laureate. Some animators have made really cool videos over him reading his poems and posted them online–they call it action poetry. Here is an example of one of the poems with animation:

We will film video footage and maybe try some simple stop motion to create a video under Johnise writing her poem. So right now we are just trying to figure out what the poem will be!



I was  born in Poughkeepsie, New York on July 18, 1998. I attend  Poughkeepsie Middle School and I am in the 8th grade.  I believe that being multi-talented is important in life. Although being intelligent is vital, being athletically or musically talented is important as well. I, myself, do many things. I play soccer, basketball, baseball, and run track. Although I do these  activities, I still play an instrument. I play cello, piano, and bass guitar . These aspects in life will help you succeed further.

Hanna’s Bio.

An aries born in April, I am Hanna.

I attend Poughkeepsie Middle school, I am in the eighth grade. French is my favorite class, because its pretty easy to pass. I have  some friends, my bestest friend only goes to school like once a month. I have regents science, which i am bearly passing.

Music is also another interest of mine. I adore My Chemical Romance. My ambition is to play the Bass guitar. I aslo have other ambitions. I wish to grow long hair, since my hair has been short ever since I was seven.

I have a nice family. I have a Mom and a Cat. Thats it. We live in the city of Poughkeepsie.

I am a proud Mexican. I wish i was born there but sadly, I was born in Queens. I moved to Puoghkeepsie at the age of Three. Since then i have moved around the area. I have once lived in Hyde park, Hopewell, Racincine,and Arlington.

I am always late to things. I am also pretty lazy. My mother says that is not a good combination., But i manage to get  by. I am somewhat imaginative. I love Bright colors. My favorite color is red, because that is we are all that color on the inside, despite your skin color.

That’s it.  Me in a nutshell.