Joe’s Bio


Photo of Joe Karpman

Joe is a Junior at Vassar College.

Hi, I’m Joe Karpman!

I am 21 years old and was born in Washington D.C.  I was raised in Laurel, Maryland and now spend most of my time in Poughkeepsie, New York, where I attend Vassar College.  I am a History Major and am interested in the current conflicts in the Middle East as well as childhood and the family in Victorian Britain.  I am also an Education Correlate and plan to teach history to high school students at a New England boarding school upon graduation.

I am also an athlete; I’m a member of Vassar College’s Mens Rugby team and I’ve been playing rugby since my sophomore year of high school.  Rugby has became a major part of who I am and along with history and education is one of my biggest passions.

If you want to learn a little more about who I am view the video below:


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