
Kate pic

你好!(Hi!) I’m a Junior at Vassar College and I’m majoring in Chinese with a correlate in Education. I just completed a semester abroad in China, studying Chinese at Beijing University. My goal is to become a high school Chinese teacher in the United States, but I also plan on teaching English in China. I am going to have my first experience teaching English this summer in a school just outside of Shanghai. I was influenced to become a Chinese teacher by my high school Chinese teacher. She is a caring woman with a spirited approach to teaching. She has taught me that there is so much to learn from Chinese culture and China also has a lot to learn from America. With China’s increasing development, the ability to speak Chinese is becoming more and more prevalent. I also think the language is incredibly interesting and full of history. I would love to share my passion for Chinese with students and hope that I can make as much of an impact on them as my teacher did on me.


Here is a video about a crazy experience I had in China:


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