URGENT (iTunes gift card scam)

Why this looks valid

  • The message appears to be from someone at Vassar College.
  • The message has a personal greeting.
  • It is likely the message appears to be from one of your supervisors at Vassar College.

Why this is fraud

  • The originating email address is from gmail.com, not from vassar.edu.
  • Grammatical errors are often indicators of malicious emails.

Additional notes

  • iTunes gift card scams are common!  There have been an increase in these scams over the last few months.  Here is a summary news story about it:  https://www.metro.us/news/the-big-stories/itunes-gift-card-scam
  • A phone call to the alleged sender would quickly verify if this is a legitimate email. It only takes a few minutes to pick up the phone!
  • A little paranoia goes a long way! Be suspicious of any email messages similar to this one.