Monthly Archives: January 2022

Just Transition: Situating Anti-Racism, Equity and Justice in Systems Change, Facilitated by the Good Work Institute

The Anti-Racism, Equity and Justice (AREJ) Organizing Team is honored to sponsor the Good Work Institute for our March 22nd discussion at 12pm!

Just Transition: Situating Anti-Racism, Equity and Justice in Systems Change. Facilitated by the Good Work Institute

This mini-workshop provides an opportunity to explore a shared vision of Just Transition and consider the question: What will it take to build systems centered on care for each other and our shared home? How might our work play a role in social and ecological well-being? Through presentation, reflection, story sharing, and discussion, we will explore the Just Transition framework, principles and practices. You will have the chance to connect your own experience to extractive and regenerative economic paradigms and discuss ways you might weave Just Transition principles and practices into your anti-racist, equity and justice work.

We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions about these events and how we run them, please contact

Salary Transparency and Antiracism Talk

The Anti-Racism, Equity and Justice (AREJ) Organizing Team invites you to our next event this January 11th at noon via Zoom!

We are honored to have Sharon Parkinson come speak with the group about salary transparency, a topic that is important for all of us whether we work in higher education at Vassar or for non-profit or private businesses in the Hudson Valley.  Please see the following readings that can provide you with some background information.

Vu Le is the former Executive Director of Rainier Valley Corps, a non-profit organization in Seattle that promotes social justice by developing leaders of color, strengthens organizations led by communities of color, and fosters collaboration between diverse communities.

Blog posts written by Vu Le:

Sharon Parkinson will also talk about the new salary disclosure bill that was approved by the New York City Council:

We look forward to seeing you! If you have any questions about these events and how we run them, please contact

Vassar Hosting Two Workshops on Racism with NCBI

The Anti-Racism, Equity and Justice (AREJ) Organizing Team is excited to promote two workshops happening this February facilitated by the National Coalition Building Institute (NCBI) and sponsored by VC’s Office of Student Growth and Engagement and other offices!

The first workshop will take place on Tuesday, February 1st from 4:00-9:00 PM at the CCMPR and will focus on the experience of Vassar’s BIPOC students, faculty, and administrators. The second will take place the following day on Wednesday, February 2nd at the same time and location and will focus on Vassar as experienced by everyone.