Rappin and Dappin


Final full day with everyone 🙁 Jay and Deon are leaving tomorrow (6/4) so we had to make the most of today. Spent another long day on the bus just chatting and enjoying the view of Taiwan’s east coast landscape. We visited the “Far Far Away” village where we got to create our own essential oils that were unique to us. Supposedly, our personality could be determined based on the essential oils we chose for our final product. But by that logic, it means that Fubing has a nasty personality, Jay is tiny and weak, and Noni will make it through customs successfully. I also got to see a monkey cross the road which made my day. Jesse told us not to feed them anything but I was almost tempted so that I could see one. Eventually, we arrived at our current hotel and visited the night market. The place was great until it started pouring buckets on us. Luckily, Jay and I won a couple more plushies and booked it back to the hotel with Noni, Ellie, and Sophie. 

I’m honestly surprised we made it through the whole trip without any issues, though I did almost get locked out of one of the hotels (the gate was closing while I was still outside at 11:45 pm). But overall, the trip was a huge success and it was such a pleasure to get to know everyone. To commemorate the closing of our trip, Jay and I released a song that I hope you will all listen to. Go to his blog post to check out the song.

~Cael Cosby