Let’s go to the beach!


Anyone who is sane loves a good beach vacay. There is something in it for everyone- water, sun, tourist shops, seafood, claw machines, or even just an air conditioned room where you can read a good book. From yesterday evening until late this morning we have gotten a mini vacation in Kenting on our research trip. At 9am we went on a short walk to a beach near the hotel. IT WAS GORGEOUS but I took only a few pictures because I was very eager to jump in the ocean. Sadly, the red flag was up and we were forced to retreat back to the sandy beach instead of enjoying the bath-like water. The baby sea turtles must have been thinking the same thing as us because we saw several of them walking to the ocean (SO cute).

After the beach, we ate lunch at a Tex-Mex restaurant called Smokey Joes. This was definitely an interesting experience filled with average “American food” and inappropriate caricatures (so basically could have been any restaurant in the US). I guess it was nice to eat some spaghetti.

The 4 hour bus ride ate up the majority of the day but was made the most of! Our newly formed traveling acapella group got some much needed practice in the back of the bus while our loyal followers listened up front. (shout out to Ellie for being the only one of us that can harmonize)

We landed in Chishang at about 4 and stopped in a little museum store that sold rice products. Chishang is home to many beautiful rice fields and has become known for their rice. They have a festival every year where they invite the dance group that we saw on 5/28 to do a rice dance. After the store, we got to explore the rice fields and met many snails along the way (some of us got closer than others).

To finish the day, we ate a delicious dinner with super special desserts disguised as mushrooms. In order to show our appreciation for the chef, our acapella group gave our first ever performance to an outside audience. In my biased opinion, it was a spectacular debut.

Thanks for tuning in!


To Chishang! (and the beach)

Today we had a relaxed start (except for the professors who got up early to visit a park). After a crab sandwich, we headed to the beach! The wind was strong and the sun was shining. A few of us ventured into the warm blue water despite the red flag but were told to come out within a few minutes because of possible hidden rocks. We wandered along the edge of the water picking up pretty shells, corals, and rocks. We saw scuttling hermit crabs and little baby sea turtles trying to make it past the tumbling waves. We tried to help them and I hope they are well on their journey by now. After lunch, we climbed on the bus and passed the four-hour drive by sleeping (at least I did) and singing. We also spent time brainstorming our research projects with our professors. I am hoping to do a storybook accompanied by illustrations discussing spirituality and agriculture in Taiwan. The views at the end of the drive were stunning as we entered Chishang. Surrounded by misty mountains, a low golden sun illuminated yellow-green rice fields, carefully maintained and terraced. Before we reached our hotel we stopped by a rice and art museum where we were able to see the old farming tools and equipment used to till and process rice grains. The mill was two stories high! To wrap up the day we had a delightful local dinner and sang the chefs a song we had been learning in thanks.  


Today was a much-needed day of rest and relaxation! We started by hitting the beach, where we played around until a lifeguard said we had to get out of the water or we would drown or survive to be fined. I don’t actually know what he said because it was in Chinese, but it was probably along those lines. Then we quickly packed and got on the road to drive from Kenting to Chishang. Our lunch restaurant served Tex Mex, or so they claimed. But no hate—it was yummy in its own right. The bus was filled with the classics: would you rather, riddles, and, most importantly, a cappella (yes, we take requests!) The drive was gorgeous, and we quickly ended up at a rice museum. We read up (shoutout to Ian for translating everything for me) and Cael and Jay performed a “changing of the guard” rendition with many creative choices. Once we got to the hotel, some of us went for a walk around the surrounding rice fields and used all our willpower to avoid petting the dogs. But a brave soul, Anna, did pick up a snail. Dinner had adorable dessert buns in the shape of mushrooms and garnishing leaves that were bigger than our heads. Naturally, we serenaded the chefs with a song that Ellie and Noni had taught us five minutes previously. The most important part of today, though, was on the way back to the hotel, when Jay and I faced off in a rap battle. The winner? To be determined. Check back tomorrow to find out.

– Sophie

Lovin, but surrounded by rice.


A relaxing travel kind of day…..
A relaxing travel kind of pal…..
What can you tell me babe, what can you say?
Maybe we’ll find some love on this summertime day

[Verse 1]
It’s summertime and you know what that means
Vassar wakes up in the morning
and heads down to the beach
It’s summertime, yeah, it feels just right
Gonna gather all the crew
And we’ll drive up through the night

It’s summertime luh-uh-loving
It’s loving in the summertime. (It’s summertime!)
It’s summertime luh-uh-loving
My baby, why can’t you be mine?

[Verse 2]
It’s summertime, early in the day
Should I call you on the phone, should I take you on a date?
It’s summertime and lets go on a walk by the beach
Exploring Kenting with so many different things to see

It’s summertime luh-uh-loving
It’s loving in the summertime. (It’s summertime)
It’s summertime luh-uh-loving
My baby, why can’t you be mine?

[Verse 3]
It’s summertime, lets go on a drive
Shall I take you to this nice restaurant later tonight?
It’s summertime, so lets go see some rice
No, I mean literally go see some rice.

It’s summertime luh-uh-loving
It’s loving in the summertime. (It’s summertime)
It’s summertime luh-uh-loving
My baby, why can’t you be mine?

[Chorus x2]
It’s summertime luh-uh-loving
It’s loving in the summertime. (It’s summertime)
It’s summertime luh-uh-loving
My baby, why can’t you be mine?

-Inspired by Regular Show -Fin-

-Jay Chung