Reach Out to Our Voices

Reach Out to Our Voices

-by Odaliz and Alejandra

This piece of art expresses the need to make known the voices of the children that have been abused and to expose the damage that child abuse has inflicted upon these innocent victims. This piece is unique because we are focusing on calling attention to the struggle that children go through. Both artists have been motivated to create art due to the inspiration Screen Shot 2014-07-16 at 3.51.52 PMthat they found from the strength of these children. It is important to realize that by raising awareness on the atrocities occurring behind closed doors, these children can be saved from traumatizing events. The emotions that we are trying to convey are not only sympathy towards these children, but also empathy.

This art means a great deal to both artists because they are able to bring out the voices of these children and emphasize that the rights of these children are being violated. The artists draw inspiration from the potential of these children. All of these children have not only managed to survive the most brutal and inhumane conditions, but also, many advocate for the rights of children and strive to break this monstrous cycle.

In the process of making this poster, many factors influenced the artists. Some of these factors include the color blue (which is the official color of Child Abuse Prevention Month), the book “A Child Called ‘It’”, and our knowledge that many children have been deprived of their basic rights. These influences have made a massive impression on both artists since they have guided the design of the poster.

It is important that the viewers understand the importance of the voices and experiences of these children since that is a fundamental piece of the poster.  The viewers should understand that these children have had many of their rights violated. Viewers should also take away that there is hope in ending these cruelties and that with the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in the U.S., these atrocities can be ended. 

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