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Divergent Book Series Review *ending spoilers*

party hard

So, today we made our podcast.  We started with editing the script we wrote last week.  We took out some words and took out extra details that weren’t necessary.  Then, we recorded!  And, edited!  What an experience. Here it is, check it out:)

– Taylor and Sarah

Do you know what you’re eating?

Shamara and Evans’s podcast:

Do you know what you’re eating?

Do you know where your meat comes from and what they do with the skin after the cow is killed? Basically, I’m asking if you know where your leather boots come from.

Well, I know and I’m going to tell you what I know.

There are 63 different types of beef cattle and they come from all over the world. Different stores carry different fed meats, some carrying better fed meats than others. One type is grass-fed and another type is farm-fed.

The difference is that grass-fed cows are fed grass, so they receive more nutrients and have juicier meat. Farm-fed cows are not fed grass, but fed another type of grain, so they don’t receive as many nutrients and that is why their meat is not as juicy. The farm-fed cows are cramped into a small space that does not have any windows. Sometimes they don’t even feed them food at all.

Factory farms and leather companies are connected and linked together. So after the cow is killed, the skin gets sent to the leather company that sells to the clothing companies that then sells to the clothing stores where you buy your boots.

Barbara’s Drinking and Driving PSA

Drinking doesn’t just affect you. It can affect others.

Drinking kills approximately 10,000 a year

Almost every hour someone is killed from drunk driving

Alcohol can slow your reaction time, which can make you more likely to crash

Drinking and driving can have serious consequences such as death, imprisonment , suspension of license or the death of others

A person is injured in a alcohol related crash every two minutes

Do you want to be a statistic?

Don’t drink and drive, call a cab!


Our Music Group Podcast

Today, we recorded ourselves talking about music. The music groups were OMG Girlz and Mindless Behavior. I got to put down my favorite songs on the recording. It was really fun! We are almost done with our podcast, and we will finish it next week.mindless-behavior-comp-650-430

Katie and Simone, 9/23

What did we do today?

We wrote a fantastic script for a wonderfully critical rant about the awfulness of pep rallies

Katie is an amazing editor and brainstorming buddy

Thank you, Simone! Simone is a fantastic writer and an excellent critic of school events!

Look out next week for the final recorded audio version of our rant!


~Katie and Simone~

Divergent ending review

1. Topic: talking about and giving my opinion of the Divergent series ending

2. Audience: older kids; teenagers interested in reading

3. rough draft: introduce self. introduce the book series and give background on it. talk about the POV changes. talk about how the book ended. talk about how the ending was unexpected due to the main character dying & then switching to her boyfriend’s POV at the ending. talk about how i felt about it (bittersweet ending)

4. script: hi im taylor. today i’ll be talking about the book series Divergent. its about a girl named Tris who lives in a society who is seperated into factions based on certain personality traits. Brave – Dauntless, Selflessness- Abnegation, Intelligence – Erudite, Honest – Candor, and Peacefulness – Amity. Tris is Divergent, which means she doesnt fit into just one faction, she fits into multiple factions. The Erudite faction tries to overthrow the current government by developing a technology to use the Dauntless people as puppets. Tris finds out about this plan and tries to destroy their plan, and they do succeed with the help of Factionless people. The factionless people take over the government and run it, and Tris escapes the city she has been in for her whole life and ends up at a bureau where scientists have been studying them and explained what they were studying. They said the people in these factions were genetically mutated so they only fit into one category, where divergent people were bascally normal everyday people before this experiment. (*going to edit to make shorter plot summary of series)

The ending of this books was interesting, the point of view switched throughout the book between Tris and her boyfriend, Tobias. In the ending, Tris was shot and killed by the main scientist of the bureau, David. The point of view from then on was only Tobias’. It was pretty unexpected, considering most books the main character lives, while a very important character to them will die instead. I wasnt expecting Tris to die in the end of this series, which was pretty shocking and interesting way to close the book. (*will write more about why this series ending is significant and use this ending to encourage others to read the book because it stands out)

– Taylor and Sarah

Summary of what we did today:

1. Listened and learned what podcasts are 2. decided what genre of podcast we wanted to do – not a PSA 3. we started writing down on paper of what to write 4. we (Taylor) typed outline 5. started writing rough draft of actual script and thought about how to write given the audience of teenagers and our goal of getting them to read the series. 6. We talked about what we did today and were kinda sleepy so decided to list what we did!  Hope that’s okay 🙂