Our Last Post! (Taylor, Megan, Gaby, & Sarah)

Today, we worked on our video that was about making paper stars. We finished writing our script, and then we recorded our lines for the video. It took forever, but we finally got it done after a lot of editing. We even added in a ton of “magical” sounds like bells and chimes. Even our transition had to do with stars! By the end of the video, you should be able to make your very own lucky stars too! You’ll never have bad luck again!

Finally Finished!

Our huge secret project is finally finished and the nostalgia is hitting us hard. A lot of tears were shed in the watching of the final cut and Tori is now preparing her oscar speech. Can’t wait for you all to watch it!!

From the excited cast and crew,

Katie, Logan, Tori, and Sharifa

Final Project

Next week, we’ll be presenting our PSA from a LONG time ago.

Its been a fun time every Tuesday. We’ve talked about feels, struggled with technology and had our fair share of empanadas.

See you next time, kids.


cue the music ….

Chiara and Jake’s Final Showing

Here are two of the projects that we created this year.

The first one is a PowerPoint about Tom Petty:


Our second project is a trailer for a horror film: Silence


This project was especially fun because we got to take footage that we thought was ruined and make something new from it!

We hope you enjoy them,

Chiara and Jake


Hey everybody!

We finally finished our video on trying Panda Cookies, featuring Diamond and Gianna!

You can check out the video here. (:


In the mean time, we’ll be working on my fashion lookbook to show all of you next week!

-Mya & Mary

Final Project!

Our project helps you know about sodium levels in common snacks! It also tells you about healthier, lower sodium snacks that you can eat. This should help you when you’re eating some of your favorite snacks and you want to check the sodium.


I had a lot of fun making this project! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!

Lots of love,
