Author Archives: lokeane

Finally Finished!

Our huge secret project is finally finished and the nostalgia is hitting us hard. A lot of tears were shed in the watching of the final cut and Tori is now preparing her oscar speech. Can’t wait for you all to watch it!!

From the excited cast and crew,

Katie, Logan, Tori, and Sharifa

Sharifa Daisley


Hello. My name is Sharifa Daisley. I am a Junior at Poughkeepsie High School. I do crew and swim. I play the clarinet and really wish I play trumpet. I have a little sister who is also in Digital Story Telling, her name is Z. I’ve gotten my first car his name is Sheldon.  I have a dog Fluffy he an attention hog who loves belly rubs. My favorite mythological creature is a pentacorn (five-horned unicorn).



This is a nicer version on Sheldon, maybe a cousin named Sarah.


He Really Couldn’t But We Don’t Know Yet…

The Little Pirate That Could But Really Couldn’t

                                 Sharifa Daisley

There once was a pirate name Pete. Pete was lame. Yes he goes to pirate school and yes he lived on a boat, but he had no peg leg and no eye patch , and worst of all Pete had never found treasure. One day Pete went to Pirate school and got there late and found that Jake was bragging. Jake had battled a sea dragon. He described how it raged and how it breathed acidic foam, because he is a sea dragon and not a fire dragon. Pete snickered and rolled his eyes and Jake ain’t no punk. Pete acted brave and said, ”  I could top that!” and Jake said, “Prove it, pegless wonder, I dare you to go find the Ne_____ Treasure!” Everyone gasped. The Ne______ Treasure was ne____ found hence the unfinished name. Pete accepted the challenge and ran home with both legs to get his Pentacorn Carrot and their journey began….

                                    To Be Continued

LOGA 101: Introduction to Logan Keane


crayon drawing of a white, brunette boy, drawn by his younger sister

Portrait of Logan created by artist Emma Keane (at age seven)

L ogan doesn’t really like talking about himself.
O n occasions when he’s asked to he stalls and says he doesn’t like to.
G etting Logan to write a bio would be difficult.
A nd I guess this is pretty obvious,
N ow that we’ve gotten to the last line and all he’s done is spell his name vertically.


If you would like to view a more embarrassing, vertical-iPhone video, click here.