Author Archives: kenwosu

Picture Outing

Here are a few photos we took today!



Kene, Cory and I bumped into Dean. I captured the beauty of the flowers which represented Vassar. (Vassar has flowers everywhere)



By the parking lot, I saw an abstract sculpture which startled me because it didn’t mean anything. This is a close-up of the sculpture that captures that abstractness.


These flowers had a nice blend of colors. We added the vignette to focus on the texture of the petals.



I took a picture of Cory and Kene because they were a part of the project with me. I told them to stand the way they are because it gives the symmetry of the picture.



This gargoyle was very eccentric because usually gargoyles are not dogs.



I took this picture of a bike tire because lots of Vassar students ride bikes to their destinations. I was fond of the tire’s texture and design.

More coming up next week!

Jadeen’s Bio

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My name is Jadeen Sampson. I’m 13 years old and was born on December 18, 2000. I am from Brooklyn, NY. I like to watch T.V and call people on the phone such as my friends, family. My favorite T.V shows are American Dad, Family Guy, Cleveland Show, and much more. I have 3 sisters, and 1 brother. I also like to write short stories. I love to watch horror movies and comedy movies, and also LOVE & HIP-HOP: ATLANTA. I like to spend time with my friends at school, movies, and the Cafeteria. My favorite things to do are to draw, take pictures, and play football. I wanna make a difference in this world; I want to be somebody big.

Kene Nwosu Introduction


Hey there,

My name is Kenechukwu–it’s a mouthful–but feel free to call me Kene (Keh-Neh). I’m a biology major at Vassar, also getting a certified in adolescent education.

I’m from far, far away: Lagos, Nigeria. It’s Africa’s most populous city, and has tons of interesting stuff to do, but can also get really crowded. Case in point: driving two miles to my elementary school took me about an hour, thanks to held-up traffic.

I hope to teach internationally after my time at Vassar, and eventually work as a public health practitioner.

In my free time, I love to play tennis, the piano, youtube videos and old pokemon games.

Looking forward to meeting you!