Author Archives: kenwosu
Final Project Almost Finished!!!
Hey everyone! My FINAL PROJECT is nearly finished, and will be presented on TUESDAY!!!
It’s been fun working here, with Kene and Cory.
Final Project On Its Way!!!!!
For my final project I am going to present slideshow of pictures I have taken. It’s going to be GREAT!!!!
Exploring Vassar ( berries and branches )
Picture Outing
Here are a few photos we took today!
Kene, Cory and I bumped into Dean. I captured the beauty of the flowers which represented Vassar. (Vassar has flowers everywhere)
By the parking lot, I saw an abstract sculpture which startled me because it didn’t mean anything. This is a close-up of the sculpture that captures that abstractness.
These flowers had a nice blend of colors. We added the vignette to focus on the texture of the petals.
I took a picture of Cory and Kene because they were a part of the project with me. I told them to stand the way they are because it gives the symmetry of the picture.
This gargoyle was very eccentric because usually gargoyles are not dogs.
I took this picture of a bike tire because lots of Vassar students ride bikes to their destinations. I was fond of the tire’s texture and design.
More coming up next week!
The School Gist (Freedom of What to Wear)
Jaydeen and Kene discuss whether bans on certain types of outfits in school are an unnecessary infringement on civil liberties
Halloween Horror Story
Hey everybody it’s Jadeen and I just wanted to inform you that Kene and myself are making a Halloween podcast that is very very very gory. Also there’s a twist so listen closely. It’s to DIE for………
Online Safety for Kids
Jadeen’s Bio
My name is Jadeen Sampson. I’m 13 years old and was born on December 18, 2000. I am from Brooklyn, NY. I like to watch T.V and call people on the phone such as my friends, family. My favorite T.V shows are American Dad, Family Guy, Cleveland Show, and much more. I have 3 sisters, and 1 brother. I also like to write short stories. I love to watch horror movies and comedy movies, and also LOVE & HIP-HOP: ATLANTA. I like to spend time with my friends at school, movies, and the Cafeteria. My favorite things to do are to draw, take pictures, and play football. I wanna make a difference in this world; I want to be somebody big.
Kene Nwosu Introduction
Hey there,
My name is Kenechukwu–it’s a mouthful–but feel free to call me Kene (Keh-Neh). I’m a biology major at Vassar, also getting a certified in adolescent education.
I’m from far, far away: Lagos, Nigeria. It’s Africa’s most populous city, and has tons of interesting stuff to do, but can also get really crowded. Case in point: driving two miles to my elementary school took me about an hour, thanks to held-up traffic.
I hope to teach internationally after my time at Vassar, and eventually work as a public health practitioner.
In my free time, I love to play tennis, the piano, youtube videos and old pokemon games.
Looking forward to meeting you!