Kene Nwosu Introduction


Hey there,

My name is Kenechukwu–it’s a mouthful–but feel free to call me Kene (Keh-Neh). I’m a biology major at Vassar, also getting a certified in adolescent education.

I’m from far, far away: Lagos, Nigeria. It’s Africa’s most populous city, and has tons of interesting stuff to do, but can also get really crowded. Case in point: driving two miles to my elementary school took me about an hour, thanks to held-up traffic.

I hope to teach internationally after my time at Vassar, and eventually work as a public health practitioner.

In my free time, I love to play tennis, the piano, youtube videos and old pokemon games.

Looking forward to meeting you!

8 thoughts on “Kene Nwosu Introduction

  1. gawhelan

    Your photos are beautiful! I’d love to hear about your time spent at a school in Costa Rica as well.

  2. kahollis

    Kene – you have a real talent for photography, as I’m sure you’ve been told! Wonderful video, I was impressed by how seamlessly you brought all the music and photo elements together.

  3. laodland

    Great photo of the dog in the barbershop! Do you have any pets of your own? I haven’t heard of the musical group that you mentioned, but I will be sure to check them out.

  4. marivera

    I think it is great that you worked at a primary school in Costa Rica! It sounds like it was a great experience. I plan to go this spring under the Education Department and now I look forward to it even more.

  5. Avatar photoNich S.

    Balling video, I had no idea you were a fan of Spanish. Yo tambíen me gusta el idioma. Pienso que el idioma va a ayudarte mucho.

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