Nich’s Intro, “Who am I”


Who am I, is the big question that every person must answer and believe the answer that is generated.  I believe that I have come up with my answer.

I am a Vassar College student in his fourth year, or a senior.  I play sports at a high level, currently the sport that I am choosing to participate in is Rugby. Rugby is a sport that gets a bad rep for being really brutal, but I don’t think it is.  I find it a very controlled sport that gives a place for a very physical nature. I enjoy the sport quite a bit.

I came from Redondo Beach California, although currently my home is in New Jersey. I went to RUHS, a large Public high school with more than 2000 people.


I know who I am, now, do you know who you might be?

One thought on “Nich’s Intro, “Who am I”

  1. laodland

    You have a lot of great natural landscapes in your story. It seems like you’ve been to a lot of very cool places! As well, that snowboarding story sounded great, it’s not often that the Northeast gets that much snow at one time.

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