General Info
- 20 years old
- Jr at Vassar
- Education and Psychology double major. One day, I want to teach kids stuff.
- I work at the nursery school, specifically with 2 and 3 year olds, who are adorable.
- From Maryland. It’s humid. I’m not a fan
- 1 mom, 1 dad, 1 brother (older,) and 1 sister (younger)
- More importantly, 2 dogs (yellow labs) and 1 cat (black)
Things I Like
- Cheese
- Kiwis
- Swings
- Not being sick
- The ocean in March
- Ring tans
Things I Do
- Learn (its kind of a thing we do at college but I like to consider myself one of those life long learner types)
- Dance
- Sleeping in places I shouldn’t (benches, the ground, on desks, etc)
- FaceTime with my dogs
- Performing dramatic readings of my sister’s Twitter
That was a really cool idea to do a video with snapchats! Great drawings!
Great video! Those were some really impressive snap chat drawings.
Swings are awesome! Tire swings are particularly great.