Reflections from the semester

For the first few weeks of the semester, I unfortunately did not have a consistent partner in the program– that is, until Taylor came along! I first met Taylor right after spring break, when she came to our Adolescent Literacy class for the first time. We have done a number of projects, such as a Power Point on how to draw a face, a video based on the poem, “Homework, I Love You”, and a how-to video on the grossest sandwich ever. It has been a lot of fun to learn with Taylor on the art of crafting a story– as it truly is a different process for everyone. I feel as I learned equally from Taylor as she did from me. I have further enjoyed learning about Taylor and Meghan’s ambitious graphic novel project. It has been really inspiring to be with and learn from two high school students who are just so passionate about their own creative project. I am really glad I was able to be a part of their creative production process as they complete the prologue of the graphic novel for their final project! Watch out world, Taylor and Meghan’s graphic novel is coming to a bookstore near you!

During the Digital Storytelling Program here at Vassar, I have learned and experienced new ways of writing and telling stories. I was not aware that some of the things we did classified into proper writing, like the “how to” portion of the program. For example, I did a “How to Draw a Face” tutorial on Microsoft Power Point. Also, you never think about the effort that goes into different stores, like comics. What interested me in this program was one of the ideas for the final project, the graphic novel. During this program I have come to realize that all comic book writers have to think out a plot and dialogue to go with it, like writing a standard story except with pictures. Writing requires a lot of thinking over and coming up with new ideas with other people. I got to have a hands-on experience with my partner, Eunice. We got to exchange thoughts and ideas with each other while working on different projects. Overall, I really enjoyed this program and hope to do it again!

Chiara’s Reflection

During the Vassar program I had lots of fun. My favorite project was when we created a video showing how to make our favorite sandwich. I thought this was fun because we came up with a funny movie about a chef and his sushi chef. I enjoyed learning how to create new types of ways to create things digitally. I wish we could’ve had more time to complete the Captain America 3 movie we worked on. This is how I will reflect on all the fun I had. BYEEEEE !!!!!!!!!!

Reflections: Megan and Hannah!

Hannah: My time with Megan this semester has been extremely rewarding. Due to the few number of weeks that we were able to have together, Megan and I only had time to complete two of the projects during the semester – the digital poem starring an angry kitten and our sandwich video edits “The Sweet and Salty Cow” – and have since begun to work on her final project with Eunice and Taylor. I have enjoyed working with Megan on these assignments; she is an imaginative thinker, a talented artist, and – as the videos indicate – a true comedienne. These qualities came out in every session we had together. And, in what was (I hope!) was an entertaining and engaging way, we talked about concepts like tone, audience, voice, style, revision, and editing, specifically as they apply to the project that Megan and Taylor are working to complete.I look forward to seeing the (semi-) final project at the end of this semester, and eventually, to seeing their graphic novel in stores! 

Megan : During my weeks here with Hannah I had many fun experiences. We couldn’t do many projects together, since I came late to this program, but I think that we made the best of it. First, we had to do the poem project, which consisted of looking up pictures of wet cats, which was, uh, rather “productive”. We did get it done thought, although at a slow pace because of our true lack of editing skills. Our next struggle – the sandwich video editing project – took possibly longer than it should have.But what can we say, we were laughing to much to really think enough to learn how to edit quickly. I mean, it did end up being a pretty good video(the best,actually). Then, we got to start what I had been looking forward to the whole time, the final project in which I could work on the graphic novel my friend and I had been planning. To get it done, me, Hannah, Eunice, and Taylor had to work on it. We still aren’t done, but we’ll finish it before time’s up. It’ll be great, I’m sure of it.


I’m so glad to have met Rebecca. She’s one of the smartest, sharpest, funniest 16-year-olds that I’m proud to call my friend. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed making slideshows and videos, looking up videos of hedgehogs being adorable, and listening to music with her. The sandwich project came out really well. Saying “sammich” and “glob” instead of “sandwich” and “spread” was just one of the many ways Rebecca made the film her own. She’s also a beautiful artist; her drawing of Marilyn Manson looks exactly like him. I hope she realizes just how talented she is.




This class has been so much fun! I really enjoyed working with Chiara. She is a very smart and funny young girl. My favorite part of this course was the sandwich making day. Chiara came up with the idea pretend she was a chef at a very popular sandwich restaurant and I would be her sous chef. She came up with some very funny and witty ideas. In the end we decided to make a fluffernutter sandwich, which consists of marshmellow fluff and peanut butter. Then Chiara decided to make a signature addition to the sandwich: a pi sign made out of peanut butter on top of the bread. The restaurant was called the pi sandwich shop so I thought that was very clever. Overall, Chiara made some great strides in her literacy and has been able to succeed in creating some great projects over these couple of months.