Category Archives: Aaliyah


Cyber-bullying is not cool. It can cause a lot of damage to someone.

Would you ever want to be cyber-bullied? I thought not.

Cyber-bullying is when bullying takes place over the Internet, social networks, or technology devices. It can happen on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Kik and etc.

Cyber-bullying can cause someone to feel alone, sad, hurt, or clueless about what’s going on. It can even cause suicide.

If you or your friend has ever been cyber-bullied, you are not alone. You can get help from your parents, family members, the guidance counselor, teachers and close friends.

To help a friend who is being cyber-bullied, you can speak up and tell an adult if your friend is too shy.

Aaliyah Major

Yankees!!Hi my name is Aaliyah Major i am a sixth grader

I have one 8 year old brother and a kitten

Some things i like to do are text my friend and play on my IPad

Some of my favorite subjects are PE and LOTE (languages other than English)

I love the New York Yankees!!!