Turn Your Music Down!!!

headphonesDramatic Music and car crash, person screaming:

Do your parents ever tell you to turn your music down while your are walking in the street

Do they sound annoying to you?


Stop and think twice before you walk down the street with your music too loud. Because your distracted you cannot notice your surroundings and what’s going on. a car could come and hit you because you can’t hear the horn. You could get kidnapped or hurt by someone walking behind you. We’re not trying to ruin your fun, but you can prevent getting hurt if you simply turn your music down and be aware of your surroundings. 1800- turn- your-music- down if you have a problem

so next time you hear your parents tell you

insert parent voice:

“turn down your music young lady”

and you want to say

:insert turn down for what music clip:

remember they want the best for you.

if you need help finding the the turn down button again pick up the phone and call 1800 turn your music down NOW right NOW


Listen to it here



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