All posts by emharris

Get ready for VassarOne!

We are pleased to announce VassarOne, a new single-sign-on platform for Vassar College. With one login page for your most used computing services, you won’t get tricked by fake Google login pages! We strongly encourage all members of the community to sign up for multi-factor authentication. If a hacker gets our Vassar credentials, your information will still be safe – use a smartphone to validate your identity on login.

Are you excited? We are! Stop by the Service Desk for flyers and Valentine’s Day candy hearts!

Genetics Manuscript / Approved FR Events

We have received reports of additional phishing emails coming in from Vassar employees and students. This latest round is the same as the one posted last week – Thesis Update (or Resume). The title and attachment may differ. Please be vigilant in examining suspicious emails and continue to report them to

This phishing attempt is very well-crafted and well-documented. If you are interested in reading some of the details refer to this informational blog post: