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Vassarhome again

by elgreissworth on September 14th, 2012

This summer was LONG. In good ways and bad ways. I made a decent amount of money but I worked so much it seems like a million years since I’ve been back at school. I kind of worked the summer away to be honest. I had a bunch of odd jobs including a restaurant gig, babysitting, and working at the Kentucky Horse Park. My favorite job though, besides the restaurant job which was a blast, was working at a summer program for dyslexic kids that helped with their reading, writing, and other skills. It was so incredible and rewarding (when people say it was “rewarding” I sometimes take that as a cop out, like you have nothing else to about an experience? But trust me. This program was REWARDING).

First of all I should explain that I don’t like children usually. But in the context of tutoring it’s a wholenother story– these kids (ages 7-13) worked so hard every single day of “camp” when they could have been running around outside like other kids their age. There were definitely some challenges at first because they were just as aware of the fact that they did not have to be there and that they were missing some prime summer goof off sessions with friends… also some breakdowns occasionally. But our staff was so great and we had such interesting kids to work with everyone just stepped up and did their best. It really made me want to continue working with children with learning differences here in Poughkeepsie. I’ll be checking that out as soon as my schedule is straight.

Now that I’m back I’ve made a bunch of changes… Changed my major (again), which is not typical for a junior let me tell you. Anyway I’m now a Latin American and Latino/a Studies major. It’s such a wonderful department and really gets at what I want to learn here at Vassar. It combines my language interest with anthropology, sociology, political science, etc. I’m so psyched I finally feel settled with a major and am lucky that I could change my mind so often and still graduate on time… and go abroad!

Argentina t-minus one semester. At the end of February I’m headed to Buenos Aires for 5 months. Cannot. Wait.

Things are a little crazy still with add drop period– I have to change up some classes. I’m going to get on that now so that’s all I have to say for this post!


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