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Meet Kyle

by admin on June 10th, 2011

Kyle Moon-Wright is a rising senior from Montclair New Jersey majoring in Art History.  Kyle has spent the last three years living in Jewett House but will move into the Terrace Apartments for his senior year.  Kyle is a busy man on campus and is involved with the Campus Patrol, Vassar’s music scene, Thai Kickboxing, club sports, and many other activities.  Kyle was also a student fellow in the dorms and went abroad to India.  Here are his reasons for choosing Vassar, in his own words:

I applied to many liberal arts schools all over the northeast, in search of a school small in size but large in opportunity. As a boy in New Jersey, I’d always dreamed of living in the East Village in New York City wandering the city streets. However, as I began my college search, I had decided for myself to attend a non-city college to experience my four undergraduate years on a campus. New York City would always be there. Vassar seemed to provide everything a student could need, but supplemented those amenities with a distinctive personality in the little things. In the end, it was the campus itself that sold the school in my mind. I visited Vassar three times, the most visits of any other college, but it wasn’t until my morning visit that I felt at ease at Vassar. There was an undeniable peace across the campus in the morning light, with a fresh breeze that revitalized my weary spirit. This was a place I could wander about, find a shady spot beneath a tree, and play music to my heart’s content. Vassar was a place I could find myself, leisurely.


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One Comment
  1. Jordan Cohen permalink

    I am going to be a senior this year in high school and will be applying to Vassar within the next couple of months. I am from Westchester, NY.

    I visited the school back in October of 2010 and took the tour. I really like the atmosphere of the campus and felt the students were people that I could fit in with.

    I am interested in science (esp. chemistry and physics) and math. Is there a way I could learn more about these programs?

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