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Why Vassar?

by admin on June 7th, 2011

I am often asked who is the typical Vassar student and why do they choose Vassar.  I can’t answer that because there simply is no one type of Vassar student.  There are many different types of students here and they all have their own reasons for attending Vassar.  So over the next few weeks here on the Admission Blog we are going to introduce 5 students to give some examples of Vassar students and the reasons they chose Vassar.

Caitlin Arias is a rising Junior from Portland, Oregon majoring in Sociology.  Here are her reasons for choosing Vassar, in her own words:

Searching for colleges was one of the most hectic, confusing and stressful processes of my high school career. Between choir rehearsals, drama productions, and piano competitions I had absolutely no time to visit campuses. Instead, I was forced to rely on the Internet to learn about schools. I looked primarily at small liberal arts colleges with strong music programs, but after hours roaming the web they all seemed to blend together. By mid-November I was getting a bit nervous. After all, how was I supposed to know where I would be happiest or the most successful? When the time came to start sending in applications, a family member mentioned that I might like Vassar. It was so late in the process that I applied there on a whim. Luckily for me, it turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.

When all of my applications were completed, I took the time to look at Vassar. After a little research I felt like I finally had some direction. The first thing that made Vassar stand out was a flexible curriculum in which I could pursue all of my different interests in the sciences and the humanities. I also discovered an exceptional music department that is open to all students regardless of major. The more I learned about the Vassar community, the gorgeous campus, and the amazing opportunities for student research and activism, the more I wanted to go there. By the time my acceptance letter came (accompanied with a fantastic financial aid package) there was no doubt in my mind that Vassar was the college for me.

Today I’m living in Josselyn House with a few close friends that I’ve met at Vassar. I spend most of my time rehearsing in Skinner Hall of Music, which has become my home away from home, and studying with friends in the library. I have definitely picked a school where I can be happy and that has enabled me to be successful. As intense as the college search process was for me, being able to attend Vassar has made it all worthwhile.


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