Carly Bloomfeld was among the group of computer science majors who attended the 2015 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing. Carly reported that the conference was a great experience. A major aspect of it was the job fair with representatives from hundreds of different tech companies doing interviews on-site. Lectures on a wide range of topics such as how to get involved in open-source programming and how virtual reality technology can be used for social good were especially compelling. The conference was a great opportunity for job searching, networking, and simply learning about technology!

Gracehoppers! Posing here with a campus poster honoring legendary computing innovator/Vassar alumna/former VC math professor Grace Hopper ’28, During the college’s October break week computer science professor Jennifer Walter (third from left) is led the l
arge VC contingent to this informative and empowering conference for computing females of many ages, which attracts roughly 10,000 international attendees (http://gracehopper.anitaborg.org/). Read more about the event’s namesake via the online Vassar Encyclopedia: https://vcencyclopedia.vassar.edu/alumni/grace-murray-hopper.html. Some of the “Hoppers” were funded by the Asprey Center for Collaborative Approaches to Science while others won one-time-only awards from the organizations that fund the conference.