#BLACK , am more than just a color.

#black , being black is hard , u dream of chicken wen ur hungry, u spell stuff incorrectly, u have an irrational fear of cops, u love watermelon and grape koo-laid, and society has already branded you as a young man of color, with no future. Despite all that, black is indeed beautiful, black looks good on a baby boy, regardless of his skin color, and black looks good as a dress. However, black is more than just a dress or diapers on a baby, black is a race, its a generation, its a history, its a legacy. A legacy of men and women who toiled in the fields of slavery, which was sweltering with the heat of injustice, who were liberated from the bondage known as ‘slavery’, only to be brought back to it under a new name, segregation, ” separate but equal ”, ” Jim Crow ”, they fought for us, some of us take that for granted, but……….. some of us ….. respect their bravery, admire their courage, and idolize what they stood for , some of us ….. honor them. #BLACKScreen Shot 2014-07-10 at 2.57.25 PM

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