Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching at Vassar aims to help students develop new academic skills in a supportive environment and in a way that best meets the needs of the student.  Coaches will work with the student to develop both daily and long-term goals.  Coaching is largely about helping the student to feel a greater sense of independence in regards to their studies.  Thus, students will meet with their academic coach anywhere from once a week to once a semester.

Student says: Academic Coaching may be the most valuable resource AEO offers.  Whether you are a student who is completely organized and “has it down” or someone with no idea  of where to begin, AEO’s academic coaches can help.  I meet with my academic coach once a week because that is what I have found to be most helpful.  We talk about everything from my accommodations to time management.  Because the process of receiving accommodations can be complex, it has been extremely helpful to know someone within the office that actually organizes those accommodations.  Meeting with my academic coach regularly has also allowed us to deal with issues relating to my accommodations before they arise.  My academic coach  has also been my advocate whether communicating with my professors or meeting with someone in the dean of studies office.  It can be really helpful to have someone on your side cheering you along when you are alone at a new school with new people and new challenges to face.

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