6/5/16 Interfaith Solidarity Walk

What: Interfaith Solidarity Walk with our Muslim neighbors, spearhSolidarity Walkeaded by members of the Temple Beth-El community

When: Sunday, June 5th, from 6-7 pm

Where: Walkway Over the Hudson; assemble at 5:30 pm at the East Gate to the Walkway Park on either Washington St. or Parker Ave.

Why: Demonstrate that voices of loving kindness outnumber voices of hate!

After, please join us for a Community Vegetarian Model Potluck Iftar, which is a traditional meal breaking fast during Ramadan. All are invited, please bring dishes to share. This meal will be from 7:15-8:30 pm, at the First Evangelical Lutheran Church
325 Mill Street, Poughkeepsie, NY).

Click on the image to the right for more information!


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