Sign up to tutor Syrian students!

Paper Airplanes

  • Paper Airplanes is a program for Syrian refugees in Turkey started by a Carleton alum, Bailey Ulbricht ’15, and now run by students from Wesleyan and Swarthmore as well as current Carleton students.  Paper Airplanes prepares Syrian students for college in North America through a peer-peer language tutoring program conducted over Skype.  There now 65 English-Arabic peer learning pairs in North America at 14 institutions. At Carleton 10 students currently participate, and in his spring 2016 courses, Yaron Klein’s Arabic students are participating in the program. A brief article about the program can be found here:
  • Sign up to be a tutor!  There are also lesson materials and a realistic picture of the types of lessons you would be conducting with Syrian students:
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