Vassar TalkTech Episode 33

These are the links  for TalkTech Episode 33 on April 22, 2010. If there is something you can’t find, please email me.

Episode 33 Recorded April 22, 2010:

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Big Tech

Social Networking Tech


Mobile Tech

Area Tech

Please sign the petition Save Arthur S. May by clicking hereStart a Petition or online petition


Fun Tech

Vassar TalkTech Episode 32 Links & Media

These are some (hopefully most)  of the links here for TalkTech Episode 32 on April 15, 2010. Chat room will be be active, so please join us there .

Poster Workshops

Teaching and the Movies Conference

Big Tech

Social Networking Tech


Mobile Tech

Area Tech

Please sign the petition Save Arthur S. May by clicking hereStart a Petition or online petition


Fun Tech

TalkTech Episode 31 – Links and Fun Stuff

These are some (hopefully most)  of the links here for TalkTech Episode 31 on April 8, 2010. Chat room will be be active, so please join us there .

Technology Forum

Media Scholarship

1995 Day – 15 year anniversary

Big Tech

Social Networking Tech


Mobile Tech

Area Tech


Fun Tech

TalkTech Episode 30 Links

These are some (hopefully most)  of the links here for TalkTech Episode 30 on March 4, 2010. Chat room will be be active, so please join us there .

Big Tech

Social Networking Tech


Mobile Tech

Area Tech


Fun Tech

TalkTech Episode 29 Show Links

These are some (hopefully most)  of the links here for TalkTech Episode 29 on Feb 25, 2010. Chat room worked great last week, so join us there .

Big Tech

Social Networking Tech


Mobile Tech



Area Tech


Fun Tech