Overly deep post, visiting the bunun nanan tribe branch

To think that language is enough of a barrier that when engaged in meaningful research, one may feel that we are cutting off the very people, the indigeneous community, helping us learn about their ways. To me, this is perhaps a message that faithful translation is just that much more of an important tool for the establishment of meaningful connections. A complicated question. We are here to gain inspiration for our long term knowledge journey that may not have anything to do with this island the moment we leave it, yet my classmate are so genuine as to gruel over the desire to understand over night time hang-out sessions.

At times it seems no matter the amount of education, we can never shake the shell of our circumstances, our experience, the inabling and abling aspects, to embody the subjects that we engage with. Perhaps in moments where we smashed the millet with rough wooden hammers, when we chopped the wood with light axes, peeled the vegetables they eat, pealed the peanuts that they harvested… Perhaps the mindlessness of doing what they do is a way to break out of our shell. Harsh truth, not everyone do those traditional methods any more. While an attempt for us to learn about traditional cooking/farming of the bunun people, also a stereotyping, limited to a few hours in a single day amongst the countless day of our lives… there’s a limit to what they could show, and a need to filter for an essence, which is innately incomplete.

It’s true that we got permission to go, and they chose to spend time to teach us. We can use frameworks of racial capitalism to say that even though the whole experience, from driving through the beautiful mountain view, cooking delicious food, competing in wood chopping skill, soaking in the fresh creek, is still detrimental to the people of the bunun tribe. All I can do as a Taiwanese person is to acknowledge the culture, to learn more about it, to experience their philosophies. Powerless before the invisible hand, all we can do is to move our own.

-Ian Ho 6/2/2023

Nan’an Leveling

Rank F Hunter, Jay-Chung.

No matter where he went, this title always followed him around.

Jay’s overall strength was almost the same as a regular human being. With the exception of being a bit stronger and his wounds healing slightly faster, he was about the same as regular people in every other aspect.

It was par for the course then, that he’d always end up getting injured. He nearly died several times, too.

Of course, it wasn’t as if Jay liked being a Hunter.

The work was dangerous and to confound the matters even further, the pay was pretty pathetic, as well.

If it weren’t for the medical aid paid out by the Hunter Association to the Hunters in their “payroll”, he’d have turned in his hunter licence and quit by now, and live his life like a regular person.

Unfortunately, someone like him, in his mid-twenties and lacking in any tangible job skills, there was no other way but to remain as a Hunter if he wanted to pay for his mother’s hospital fee of millions of NT every month.

Should one say that he had no choice in the matter?

That was why, even though he didn’t want to, he simply had to participate in the monster gate raid supervised by the Association.


“Uh! He’s here. Hey, Mister Chung!! Mister Chung!”

Other Hunters also displayed joy at discovering that he had arrived.

“Ah, hello.”

Jay performed a simple nod of the head at the joyous Mister Ian and walked by.

Why would other Hunters greet this hunter if he was really that weak? After all, didn’t they need someone to trust their backs if things went south?

Fubing couldn’t really understand the reactions of other Hunters.


When one entered through the Gate, one would arrive at a place called ‘dungeon’. The rank of this particular dungeon should be around D.

A dozen-plus Hunters could easily take care of the monsters inside this dungeon without so much as breaking a sweat. Today, the location was at the Nan-an tribe.

Unfortunately, for a rank F such as Jay, such a feat was nearly impossible alone.

Jay’s fingers grasped tight the rank E magic crystal in his hand as he took a glance next to him.

Noni and Ana were shaking their heads at him. It looked like they were deeply worried.

Actually, Jay was worried inwardly as well. Now normally, he would never try to take on any unnecessary risk. Not only did he lack the abilities to do so, but he was also not brave enough too. This time was different. He grasped the crystal in his hand tightly, and ventured into the Nan’an Gate.


Immediately after entering the gate and being whisked away to a hut in what seemed like a field of rice. Jay injured his hand. As he looked into his inventory, he grabbed the healing item to restore his health before proceeding

[Item: Band-Aid]

*A regular band-aid. Useful in patching up small wounds. Can be stored inside your Inventory*.

The next few hours consisted of heavy battles with plant, nut, and rice type monsters. The large group of hunters worked together to take down the mobs and was rewarded with a little bit of peace.

Jay massaged his forehead and stood up from the floor to loosen his body with a bout of light stretching. He moved his body this way and that for a while. He bent his body 90 degrees and that’s when he discovered a box lying forgotten on the floor.


The ‘random boxes’.

Boxes wrapped in the monotone gift wrappers and topped off with a virtual ribbon – exactly like the ones in video games.

‘They must’ve dropped from the monsters we slayed earlier.’

He had completely forgotten about them after receiving those as his rewards. Jay picked up the closest box and opened its lid.

[Item: Naturally made Lunchbox]

*A lunchbox made with the freshest ingredients in Nan’an. Can be stored inside your Inventory.*

It seemed it would be necessary for the long day ahead.


The crew climbed up the mountains and into the river area. Here, it seemed like a deep river needed to be crossed before reaching the end.

Jay summoned his Stat Window:

Name: Jay Chung

Level: 1

Class: None

Title: None

HP: 100

MP: 1000

Tiredness: 55


Strength: 31

Stamina: 10

Agility: 20

Intelligence: 50

Perception: 5

(Available points to distribute: 0)


Passive skills:

– (Unknown) Lv. Max

– Tenacity Lv. 1

-Swimming Lv. 3

Active skills:

– Dash Lv. 1

It seemed like his passive skills were perfect for this requirement. Jay jumped into the creek in Nan’an alongside Cael and Noni.

And nearly drowned.


At the end of the raid. The crew jumped out of the gates with the spoils collected from the battle. Jay clutched his 6 rank D crystals tightly to his body. Each would potentially sell for 10,000,000,000 NT. While the hunters ventured on over to the Nan’an rest area to relax for some afternoon tea, Jay heard a chime ring in the background.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

It looked like inside of the dungeons of the Gates, Jay had gained enough experience to level up a few time. He braced. Anticipating the remaining experience to be converted into levels.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

Now at level 5, he could be considered a D rank hunter. Perhaps next time, a solo raid could be accomplished.


However, after heading back to his new hotel room, it seemed like the battle would never end.

“Here we go again” he thought as he drew his sword, steeling himself for an unexpected but bloody battle with the insect lord.


-Jay Chung