Lovely day for travel


We left Taipei this morning and spent most of the day on the bus. It was such a relaxing day where we shared quality conversations and played road trip games. At the beginning of our drive, Professor Deon and I reflected on the things we learned over the past few days with a focus on the aquaponic farm. There were so many interesting things about organic farming and sustainable aquaponic systems that stood out to us, but a lot of the experience continued to spur more questions about applications and upscaling these systems. We reflected on possible research project ideas about establishing aquaponics around the world, one being a comparative analysis between eco-tourism aquaponics (those that a sustainable but also generate more profit from visitors) vs self-sufficient, non-ecotourist aquaponics (possibly in European locations like the Netherlands). 

We had one quick restroom stop before noon which gave us some time to stretch our legs. We found this small outdoor arcade with claw machines and a little trolley for babies. I really wanted a ride so I popped in 30 yuan and rode the little 30 feet circle. Unfortunately, I had to get off mid-ride because I found out I weighed a little more than capacity (the weight limit was 75 pounds). After gambling away the rest of my change to the claw machines, we hopped back on the bus.

By lunchtime, we arrived at the performance arts center. The main activity of our day was watching the Legacy Dance. Jay and I, through our genius minds and sneakiness, managed to snag some open seats in a better viewing location. Despite the slow start of the show (mostly because of the lack of music and sound), I really enjoyed the dance routines and symbolic elements of the performance. My favorite part was the second part which showcased the immigration across the seas from China to Taiwan.  I found it extremely impressive how the central figure held a large sheet that represented the ocean but was fighting back against the downward pulls of the other performers, all while being held up by two others. 

Overall, the day on the bus was great for building relationships with each other and we saw lots of beautiful scenery from farmland to forests to unique hillsides. To top it all off, our travel agent, Jesse, gave each of us gifts.

~Cael Cosby