All events will be held remotely and some require registration (but its free!). If you are attending all events there are several different links and registrations required. These links are also in the schedule.

1. Keynote Talk (5:30 April 7): Use this link to register and the Zoom link will be sent to your email

2. Joining sessions as an attendee (April 9 and 10):  Attendees can join the webinar format sessions to watch and listen to the presentations.  Attendees will be able to use the Q&A feature but will not have their cameras or microphones on.  All sessions have the same link and no registration is required

3. Livestream screening of Unrest (5:00 April 9): No registration required, just watch the movie here

4. Panel Discussion with Jennifer Brea (6:30 April 9): Use this link to register and the Zoom link will be sent to your email


If you have questions please contact us at

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