Upcoming Student Research Conference

The Vassar chapter of Psi Chi is pleased to announce that we are co-sponsoring the 4th Annual Psychology Research Conference this year! It will be held at SUNY New Paltz on April 24th. You can read all about  it at this website:


Important Deadlines:

Submission Deadline: March 31st

Registration Deadline: April 5th (the fee is $5)

Please keep in mind that as a conference for students, there are lots of options on what you can submit. For example, you can submit a proposed research project that you have not actually completed such as one written for a seminar. Alternatively, you can submit work you did for a Research Methods course. You can also submit research you have completed here at Vassar, or are in the progress of completing, with our without analyzed data/results. Basically, you do not have to have a completed study to submit work to the conference – it can be proposed or in progress.

Please check out the website for more information!

Local Psi Chi Chapter Exec Boards

Local Psi Chi Chapter Exec Boards

On February 21st, the exec boards from the Psi Chi chapters of SUNY New Paltz, Mount St. Mary, Marist, and Vassar College met to discuss the upcoming student research conference. In the back row from the left: Shari (President), Eleanor (Secretary), and Lauren (VP).
