
Mitchell Miller
Department of Philosophy
Vassar College

Curriculum Vitae (writing and speaking):


(1) The Philosopher in Plato’s STATESMAN, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1980.  Reissued, with a new preface and bibliography and including the essay “Dialectical Education and Unwritten Teachings in Plato’s STATESMAN,” Parmenides Publishing Co., Las Vegas, 2004. Also issued in a Greek translation by Enalios Publishing, 2010.
(2) Plato’s PARMENIDES: The Conversion of the Soul, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1986. Reprinted in paperback by Pennsylvania State University Press, University Park, Pa., 1991.

(1) “La logique implicite dans la cosmogonie d’Hésiode,” Revue de metaphysique et de morale 82, 4 (1977), pp. 433-456, translated by Louis Pamplume. The English original of this essay has appeared in The Independent Journal of Philosophy IV, 1983, pp. 131-142.
(2) “The Attainment of the Absolute in Hegel’s Phenomenology,” Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 7, 2 (l978), pp. 195-219. Reprinted, with minor revisions, in The Phenomenology of Spirit Reader: A Collection of Critical and Interpretive Essays, ed. Jon Stewart, State University of New York Press, Albany, N.Y.: 1998, pp. 427-443.
(3) “Parmenides and the Disclosure of Being,” Apeiron 13, 1 (1979), pp. 12-35.
(4) “Platonic Provocations: Reflections on the Soul and the Good in the Republic,” in Platonic Investigations, edited by Dominic O’Meara, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, 1985, pp. 163-193.
(5) “The God-Given Way: Reflections on Method and the Good in the Later Plato.” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, edited by Daniel Shartin and John Cleary, Volume VI, 1990, pp. 323-359.
(6) “Unity and Logos: A Reading of Theaetetus 201c-210a.” Ancient Philosophy XII, 1 (Spring, 1992), pp. 87-110.
(7) “‘Unwritten Teachings’ in the Parmenides.” Review of Metaphysics XLVIII, 3 (March 1995), pp. 591-633.
(8) “The Choice between the Dialogues and the ‘Unwritten Teachings’: A Scylla and Charybdis for the Interpreter?” The Third Way: New Directions in Platonic Studies, edited by Francisco Gonzalez, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, Md., 1995, pp. 225-244.
(9) “‘The Arguments I Seem to Hear’: Argument and Irony in the Crito.” Phronesis xli, 2 (1996), pp. 121-137.
(10) “Platonic Mimesis.” Contextualizing Classics: Ideology, Performance, Dialogue, edited by Thomas Falkner, Nancy Felson, and David Konstan, Rowman and Littlefield, Lanham, Md., 1999, pp. 253-266.
(11) “Figure, Ratio, Form: Plato’s Five Mathematical Studies.” Recognition, Remembrance and Reality: New Essays on Plato’s Epistemology and Metaphysics, edited by Mark McPherran (= Apeiron 32, 4 [Dec. 1999]), pp. 73-88.
(12) “Dialectical Education and ‘Unwritten Teachings’ in Plato’s Statesman.” Plato and Platonism, edited by J. M. Van Ophuijsen, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 1999, pp. 218-241. A version of this was first accepted for TheSovereignty of Construction: Studies in the Thought of David Lachterman, edited by D. Conway and P. Kerszberg, Rodopi, in suspension, and was subsequently included, with the permission of Professors Conway and Kerszberg, in Plato and Platonism. This essay is also now included, with a revised conclusion, in the re-issue of The Philosopher in Plato’s STATESMAN (see (1) under Books, above).
(13) “‘First of all’: On the Semantics and Ethics of Hesiod’s Cosmogony.” Ancient Philosophy 21 (2001), pp. 251-276.
(14) “The Timaeus and the ‘Longer Way’: Godly Method and the Constitution of Elements and Animals.” Plato’s Timaeus as Cultural Icon, edited by Gretchen Reydams-Schils, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, 2003, pp. 17-59.
(15) “Ambiguity and Transport: Reflections on the Proem to Parmenides’ Poem.” Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy xxx (Summer, 2006), pp. 1-47.
(16) “Beginning the ‘Longer Way’.” Cambridge Companion to Plato’s Republic, edited by John Ferrari, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007, pp. 310-344.
(17) “The Pleasures of the Comic and of Socratic Inquiry: Aporetic Reflections on Philebus 48a-50b.” Arethusa 41 (2008), pp. 263-289.
(18) “A More ‘Exact Grasp’ of the Soul? Tripartition in Republic IV and Dialectic in the Philebus.” Truth, edited by Kurt Pritzl, Catholic University of America Press, Washington, D.C., 2010, pp. 57-135.
(19) “On Reading the Laws as a Whole: Horizon, Vision, and Structure.”  Plato’s Laws: Force and Truth in Politics, edited by Gregory Recco and Eric Sanday, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2013, pp. 11-30.

(20) “Non-bifurcatory Diairesis and Greek Music Theory: A resource for Plato in the Statesman?Proceedings of the Eighth International Plato Symposium, Czech Plato Society. 2013, pp. 178-200.

(21) “‘Making New Gods’? A Reflection on the Gift of the Symposium,” in Second Sailing: Alternative Perspectives on Plato, in honor of Holger Thesleff, edited by Debra Nails and Harold Tarrant, Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum 131 (The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters, Helsinki), 2015, pp. 285-306.

(22) “What the Dialectician Discerns: A Reading of Sophist 253d-e,” Ancient Philosophy 36, 2 (fall 2016), pp. 1-32.

(23) “Noesis and Logos in the Eleatic Trilogy, with a Focus on the Visitor’s Jokes at Statesman 266a-d,” in Plato’s Statesman: Dialectic, Myth, and Politics, edited by John Sallis, SUNY Press, Albany, 2017, pp. 107-136..

(24) “The Reception of Hesiod by the Early Presocratics,” in The Oxford Handbook of Hesiod,” edited by Alexander Loney and Stephen Scully, Oxford University Press, forthcoming.

(1) On Drew Hyland, The Virtue of Philosophy, An Interpretation of Plato’s CHARMIDES, The Independent Journal of Philosophy IV, 1983, pp. 162-164.
(2) “Aporia and Conversion: A Critical Discussion of R. E. Allen’s Plato’s PARMENIDES,” The Review of Metaphysics XLI, No. 2, December 1987, pp. 355-368.
(3) On Eva Brann, The Music of the REPUBLIC: Essays on Socrates’ Conversations and Plato’s Writings, International Journal of the Classical Tradition, 13, 4 (Spring 2007), pp. 628-633.
(4) On Kenneth Sayre, Metaphysics and Method in Plato’s Statesman, Journal of the International Plato Society 7, 2007 (http://www.nd.edu/~plato), 1-9.
(5) On Dmitri Nikulin, Dialectic and Dialogue, Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, 32.1 (Fall, 2011), pp. 177-189.

(1) On H. P. Kainz, Hegel’s Phenomenology, Part I: Analysis and Commentary, CLIO 7, 3 (1978), pp. 503-505.
(2) On Philip Silver, Ortega as Phenomenologist: The Genesis of Meditations on Quixote, Philosophy and Literature 4,1 (1980), pp. 134-135.
(3) On Merold Westphal, History and Truth in Hegel’s Phenomenology, CLIO 10, 4 (1981), pp. 423-425.
(4) Comment on Diskin Clay, “Gaps in the Universe of the Platonic Dialogues,” Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium on Ancient Philosophy III, 1987, pp.158-164.
(5) On Scott Austin, Parmenides: Being, Bounds, and Logic, Classical World 82.1 (1988), pp. 62-63.
(6) On A. H. Coxon, The Fragments of Parmenides, Review of Metaphysics XLII (March, 1988), pp. 610-612.
(7) On Porphyry’s Launching-Points to the Realm of Mind, Classical World 83.6 (1990).
(8) On Richard Kraut, Aristotle and the Human Good, Political Theory (February, 1991).
(9) On Edward Halper, One and Many in Aristotle’s Metaphysics: The Central Books, Classical World 88.1 (1994).
(10) On Patricia Curd, The Legacy of Parmenides: Eleatic Monism and Later Presocratic Thought, Journal of the History of Philosophy XXXVII, 1 (January, 1999), pp. 157-159.
(11) On Drew Hyland, Questioning Platonism, Journal of the History of Philosophy XLIII (October, 2005), pp. 482-483.
(12) On Kevin Corrigan and Elena Glazov-Corrigan, Plato’s Dialectic at Play: Argument, Structure, and Myth in the Symposium. Review of Metaphysics 60, 4 (June, 2007), pp.858-860.

(1) “Reflections on Plato’s Statesman,” invited lecture at Trinity College, fall, 1972. (Also given at a Colloquium for the Vassar Philosophy Department, fall, 1973.)
(2) “The Implicit Logic of Hesiod’s Cosmogony.” Colloquium for the Vassar Philosophy Department, fall, 1975 (approx.).
(3) “…fortunately, an immense journey…,” Vassar College Senior Convocation, spring, 1979.
(4) “The Notion of Forms in Plato’s Parmenides,” invited lecture at Pennsylvania State University, fall, 1979. (Given in an earlier version at a Colloquium for the Vassar Philosophy Department, fall, 1979.)
(5) “A Socratic Reading of Plato’s Parmenides,” invited lecture at Bryn Mawr College, spring, 1980.
(6) “The Good in Plato’s Republic,” invited lecture at Furman University, spring, 1981.
(7) “The Good in Plato’s Republic,” Vassar College Plato Symposium, spring, 1981.
(8) “Finitude and Infinitude in Medieval Thought,” invited lecture at Mt. Holyoke College, spring, 1981.
(9) “The Philosopher in the City in Plato’s Republic,” invited lecture for the Yale Special Program in the Humanities, fall, 1981.
(10) “Fallacy and Conversion in Plato’s Phaedo,” invited lecture for the Department of Philosophy, Yale University, spring, 1982. (Also given in at a Colloquium for the Vassar Philosophy Department, fall, 1983.)
(11) “Parmenides and the Disclosure of Being,” invited lecture at the Boston Area Classics Colloquium, fall, 1982. (Also given in an earlier version at a Colloquium for the Vassar Philosophy Department, fall, 1978.)
(12) Invited commentary on Anthony Weston’s “Socratism and Social Responsibility,” Society for Philosophy and Social Responsibility, APA Eastern Division Meeting, winter, 1984.
(13) “Irony in Plato’s Crito,” invited lecture at the NEH Summer Seminar on Plato’s Political Philosophy, Howard University, June, 1985.
(14) “Xenophanes’ Scepticism.” Colloquium for the Vassar Philosophy Department, fall, 1985.
(15) “Liberal Arts Education and the Hiddenness of the Real World.” Keynote address at orientation week for the freshman class, Vassar College, August, 1986.
(16) Invited commentary on Diskin Clay’s “Gaps in the ‘Universe’ of the Platonic Dialogues,” The Boston Area Colloquium on Ancient Philosophy, November, 1986.
(17) “The God-sent Method in the Philebus and the Statesman.” Colloquium for the Vassar Philosophy Department, March, 1988.
(18) “The Turning of the Soul: Reflections on Plato’s Notion of the Instant,” invited lecture at Williams College, April, 1988.
(19) Chair, session devoted to a paper on the Theaetetus by Edward Lee, Conference on Methods of Interpreting Plato, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, April, 1988.
(20) “Unity and Logos.” Colloquium for the Vassar College Philosophy Department, fall, 1989. (This was an early draft of #20.)
(21) “Unity and Logos: A Reading of Theaetetus 201c-210a,” invited lecture at the Boston meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, December, 1989.
(22) “The God-Given Way: Reflections on Method and the Good in the Later Plato,” invited lecture for the Boston Area Colloquium for Ancient Philosophy, together with seminars on the Parmenides, Philebus, and Statesman, April, 1990. (Also given in an earlier version at a Colloquium for the Vassar Philosophy Department, fall, 1990.)
(23) Chair, session of the Metaphysical Society meetings at Penn State University, March, 1991.
(24) “‘… because it’s just ourselves who are here’: Traces of ‘the so-called unwritten teachings’ in Plato’s dialogues.” Distinguished Visitor Lecture at Haverford College, April, 1991.
(25) “Plato’s Unwritten Teachings and the Parmenides.” An invited lecture in the Pennsylvania State Philosophy Department Colloquium series, fall, 1991. (Also given in an earlier version at a Colloquium for the Vassar Philosophy Department, fall, 1991.)
(26) “Dialectical Education and Unwritten Teachings in Plato’s Statesman,” A paper delivered to the International Plato Society at the Third Plato Symposium in Bristol, England, August 25-30, 1992.
(27) “The Choice between the Dialogues and the ‘Unwritten Teachings’: A Scylla and Charybdis for the Interpreter?” An invited lecture presented at the fall 1992 meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, for one of a set of panels under the general heading of “Plato: Dramatic and Non-Doctrinal.” October 24, 1992.
(28) “Dialectical Education and Unwritten Teachings in Plato’s Statesman.” Revised version of (26), given as the basis of a colloquium for the Department of Philosophy, Vassar College, March 1993.
(29) “The ‘Unwritten Teachings’ Written: A Reading of Plato’s Statesman.” An invited lecture for the Department of Philosophy Colloquium at Boston University, April 1993.
(30) “The Unwritten Teachings in Plato’s Dialogues.” Revised version of (29), given as invited lecture in the Franklin Matchette Lecture Series on Plato and Platonism, Catholic University of America, November 12, 1993.
(31) “Dramatic Differences: How to Read Plato’s Dialogues,” invited lecture at the University of Maine at Farmington, February 4, 1994.
(32) “The Philebus in Context?,” invited lecture at a conference on “Plato’s Later Dialogues: Dramatic Structure, Dialogicality and Metaphysics,” at the University of Georgia, June 2, 1994.
(33) “‘The Words I Seem to Hear’: Argument and Irony in the Crito.” Invited paper for the panel on “Socratic Philosophy,” 13th annual conference of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Binghamton, NY, October 15, 1994.
(34) Chair, session featuring a lecture by Stanley Rosen with commentary by L. A. Kosman at the Eastern Division meetings of the American Philosophical Association in Boston, December, 1994.
(35) “‘The Words I Seem to Hear’: Argument and Irony in the Crito,” invited lecture (a revised version of (33)), and a seminar presentation on the Philebus, University of Kansas, March 16-17, 1995.
(36) “‘The So-called Unwritten Teachings’ and Plato’s Parmenides,” invited lecture, University of Notre Dame, April 4, 1995.
(37) “‘The Arguments I Seem to Hear’: Argument and Irony in the Crito” (the same paper as (35)), presented as the basis of a colloquium for the Department of Philosophy, Vassar College, April 12, 1995.
(38) “Ways Up and Down: Music Theory and Dialectic in Plato,” invited lecture at “Sound Thinking: a Music and Philosophy Symposium” at the University of Toronto, October 13-15, 1995.
(39) Invited discussant, Colloquium on “Liberty, Nature, and Law: Aristophanes vs. Socrates,” sponsored by Liberty Fund, Prout’s Neck, Maine, October 3-6, 1996.
(40) “Plato On Music and Mathematics,” invited lecture, Bryn Mawr College, October 16, 1996. (The paper on which this was based was presented at a Colloquium for the Department of Philosophy, Vassar College, October, 1996.)
(41) “Platonic Mimesis,” invited presentation at the conference, “Interdisciplinarity and the Classics: State of the Arts Conference in Honor of John J. Peradotto,” at the Universityof Georgia, March 7-9, 1997.
(42) Invited discussant, Colloquium on “Freedom and Responsibility in Plato’s Trilogy,” sponsored by Liberty Fund, Minneapolis, May 15-17, 1997.
(43) “‘First of all’: On the Semantics and Ethics of Hesiod’s Cosmogony,” invited lecture on ethics and logic in Hesiod’s cosmogony, for a panel on Hesiod at the October, 1997, meeting of the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy. (The paper on which this was based was presented at a Colloquium for the Department of Philosophy, Vassar College, October, 1997.)
(44) Comment on Nicholas Smith’s “What Does Plato’s Soul-State Analogy Require?,”
Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, University of Arizona, Feb. 13-14, 1998.
(45) “Platonic Mimesis,” invited presentation at the Classical Association Annual Conference 1998 at the University of Wales, April 6-9, 1998. (A revision of (41) above.)
(46) “Plato’s Eleatic Irony: The Difference Dialogue Makes,” invited keynote lecture, together with a seminar on Plato’s Form of the Good, at a conference on Plato at Seattle University, May 6-8, 1998.
(47) Invited discussant, Colloquium on “Parmenides and the Transcendent Ground of Politics,” sponsored by Liberty Fund, Colorado Springs, Dec. 10-13, 1998.
(48) “Figure, Ratio, Form: Reflections on Plato’s Five Mathematical Studies.” Invited lecture at the Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, University of Arizona, Feb.19, 1999.
(49) “Play within the Play: Mimesis and Parmenidean Journey in the Platonic Dialogues.” Invited speaker, roundtable on “The Site of Thinking,” International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Trinity College, Hartford, Ct., May 15, 1999. (A second revision of (41) above.)
(50) “Is the Godly Method of Dialectic (Philebus 16cff.) at work in the Timaeus?” Invited speaker, University of Georgia Philosophy Colloquium, Oct. 29, 1999
(51) “The Timaeus and the ‘Longer Way’: Godly Method and the Constitution of Elements and Animals.” Invited speaker, “Plato’s Timaeus as Cultural Icon: International Conference on the Legacy of Plato’s Timaeus,” University of Notre Dame, March 30-April 1, 2000.
(52) “Stages on Plato’s ‘Longer Way.’” Invited speaker, American Plato Association,Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy meetings, Pennsylvania State University, October 5-7, 2000.
(51) “The Timaeus and the ‘Longer Way’: Godly Method and the Constitution of Elements and Animals.” Invited speaker, “Plato’s Timaeus as Cultural Icon: International Conference on the Legacy of Plato’s Timaeus,” University of Notre Dame, March 30-April 1, 2000.
(52) “Stages on Plato’s ‘Longer Way.’” Invited speaker, American Plato Association, Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy meetings, Pennsylvania State University, October 5-7, 2000.
(53) “The Timaeus and the ‘Longer Way’: Godly Method and the Constitution of Elements and Animals.” Colloquium for the Department of Philosophy, Vassar College, October, 2000. (A written version of (51).)
(54) Invited discussant, Colloquium on “Liberty and the Pagan World in Dante’s Divine Comedy,” sponsored by Liberty Fund, Durham, North Carolina, November 8-10, 2001.
(55) “An Hegelian Moment in Parmenides?” Invited speaker, Society for Systematic Philosophy, American Philosophical Association Eastern Division meetings, Atlanta, December 27-30, 2001. (This talk was first presented in a Colloquium for the Department of Philosophy, Vassar College, December, 2001.)
(56) Comment on Mark McPherran, “Justice and Pollution in the Euthyphro.” Invited commentator, Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, University of Arizona, February 17, 2002.
(57) “Plato on Eros.” Invited speaker, Joseph Slivka Center, New Haven, Connecticut, June 12, 2002.
(58) “‘With truth most exact’: Do we find in the Philebus the more ‘exact’ grasp of the soul that is promised but not given in the Republic?” Invited speaker at the Lecture Series on Truth, Fall 2002, Catholic University of America, Washington, September 13, 2002.
(59) “Ambiguity in the Routes, Multiplicity in the Modes of Arrival, in Parmenides’ Journey.” Invited speaker at St. Francis College, Brooklyn, Oct. 7, 2002.
(60) “Ambiguity in the Routes, Multiplicity in the Modes of Arrival, in Parmenides’ Journey” (expanded version of [59]). Invited speaker at Southwestern University, Texas, October 17, 2002. (This was also given as a colloquium paper to the Philosophy Department at Vassar College.)
(61) “‘With truth most exact’: Do we find in the Philebus the more ‘exact’ grasp of the soul that is promised but not given in the Republic?” (Revised version of [58]). Invited speaker at the University of Texas at Austin, Oct. 18, 2002.
(62) “The Coherence of Plato’s Parmenides: Forms, Unities, and the Instant.” Invited speaker, panel on Plato’s Parmenides, American Philosophical Association Western Division meetings, March 30, 2003.
(63) Comment on Michael Nass, “A Plato Reader: Interpretation and Translation in the Dialogues.” Invited commentator, Conference for the Ancient Philosophy Society, April 12, 2003.
(64) Commentary on John Bussanich, “Plato’s Mythical Imagination.” Invited commentator, Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, University of Arizona, February 20, 2004.
(65) “Ambiguity and Transport: Reflections on Parmenides’ Proem.” (A new version, reconceived, of [60].) Invited speaker at Colby College, April 22, 2004.
(66) “Emulation, Liberation, Conversion: Levels of Education in and by the Republic.” Invited speaker, Conference on Plato’s Republic at the University of California at Berkeley, September 9-11, 2004. (This was also presented at a colloquium to the Vassar Philosophy Department.)
(67) “Dialectic and the Mean: Reflections on Kenneth Sayre’s Reading of the Statesman.” Invited speaker, Conference on Plato’s Statesman at the University of Notre Dame, September 17-18, 2004.
(68) “Arriving at esti: Ambiguities in Parmenides’ Proem.” (Still one more version of (60) and (65).) Invited speaker at the 22nd International Conference on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, run by the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, October 22-24, 2004.
(69) Commentary on Enrique Hulsz, “Heraclitus in Plato’s Socrates.” Invited commentator, Tenth Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy, University of Arizona, February 19, 2005.
(70) “Plato’s Moral Psychology: Republic or Philebus?” Invited speaker, panel with Matthew Evans at the 23rd International Conference on Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, run by the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, Fordham University, October 16, 2005.
(71) ” The Pleasures of the Comic and of Socratic Inquiry: Aporetic Reflections on Philebus 48a-50b.” Invited speaker, The Eleventh Annual Arizona Colloquium in Ancient Philosophy: Plato on Poetry, Rhetoric, and Therapy, University of Arizona, Tucson, February 17-19, 2006. (This was also presented at a colloquium to the Vassar Philosophy Department.)
(72) “Ambiguity and Transport: Reflections on the Proem to Parmenides’ Poem.” The Sprague Lecture, Department of Philosophy, University of South Carolina, March 24, 2006. (Final version of [59], [60], and [65].)
(73) “Eryximachus’ Speech in the Symposium.” Invited speaker, conference on Plato’s Symposium, Skidmore College, Saratoga, NY, April 8-9, 2006.
(74) “The ‘Unwritten Teachings’ in the Philebus, in the Timaeus?” Invited speaker at a conference on Plato’s Timaeus entitled “Life, the Universe, Everything — and More: New Work on Plato’s Timaeus,” University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, September 13-16, 2007. (This was also presented at a colloquium to the Vassar Philosophy Department.)
(75) “The Longer and Shorter Ways in the Republic: Considering the Path Taken in Light of the Path Not Taken.” Invited speaker (and, in addition, leader of two seminars on the Republic) at Lehigh University, October 16-17, 2007.
(76) “On G.R.F. Ferrari’s City and Soul in Plato’s Republic,” an invited commentary for an Author Meets Critics session at the Eastern Division meetings of the American Philosophical Association, Dec. 29, 2007.
(77) “‘Making New Gods’? Reflections on Plato’s Symposium.” Invited speaker, St. John’s College, March 21, 2008.
(78) “Texts and Perspectives: Preparing to Read Plato’s Laws.” Invited speaker, Conference on Plato’s Laws, University of Kentucky, March 26-29, 2009.
(79) “The Problem of Plato’s ‘Unwritten Teachings’: a Hermeneutic Conversion.” Invited speaker, Conference on the Unwritten Teachings, Seattle University, May 8-9, 2009. [I prepared this lecture and was then forced to withdraw by a health emergency.]
(80) “The Receptacle and the Great and the Small: a discussion of passages in the Timaeus and the Parmenides, against the background of comments by Aristotle in the Metaphysics and the Physics.” Invited speaker, Conference on the Unwritten Teachings, Seattle University, May 8-9, 2009. [I prepared this lecture and was then forced to withdraw by a health emergency.]
(81) “Odysseus as Poet, as Philosopher: Reflections on the Great Wanderings.” Invited speaker, the Steiner Lecture, St. John’s College, October 21-24, 2009. (This is the central event of an extended visit in which I also led colloquia on Hesiod’s cosmogony and on the account of knowing that is implied in the final pages of Plato’s Theaetetus.  The talk on “Odysseus as Poet, as Philosopher” was also presented to the Vassar Philosophy Department in a Department Colloquium.)
(82) “Plato’s Philebus on the Immanence of the Forms.” Invited speaker, University of Kentucky, November 6. (I also spoke on Nov. 7 on the Philebus as a whole to the members of a seminar on Plato taught by Professor Eric Sanday.)
(83) “On Danielle Allen, ‘Plato Politikos: What Plato Did’.” Invited Comment on the third Benedict Lecture, Boston University, January 28, 2010.
(84) “On James Wood, “Dimensions of Negativity in Plato.” Invited Comment, Metaphysical Society Meetings, Boston University, March 5, 2010.
(85) “Limit and Unlimited and the Immanence of Plato’s Forms.” John Findlay Professorship Lecture, Boston University, March 25, 2010.
(86) “Modes of Division: Bifurcation and the God-Given Way.”  Invited talk to Lee Franklin’s Seminar, Franklin and Marshall, March 8, 2011.

(87) “The Philebus and the ‘unwritten teachings.’”  Thursday Night Lecture, New School for Social Research, May 12, 2011.  [recorded]

(88) “Non-bifurcatory Diairesis and Greek Music Theory: A resource for Plato in the Statesman?”  Invited paper, VIII International Plato Symposium, Czech Plato Society, Prague, November 11-12, 2011.  (Health problems required me to cancel this trip; my hosts asked to circulate and publish this paper in my absence.)

(89) “Awaking from Socrates’ Dream: What the Possibility of Knowledge Requires and the Eleatic Dialogues Provide.”  Invited talk, Conference on Plato’s Theaetetus, CUNY, New York, Nov. 18-19, 2011.

(90) I led three seminars, on Plato’s Statesman, on his Seventh Letter, and on the Philebus, at the Collegium Phaenomenologicum: Life in Ancient Greek Philosophy, Citta di Castello, July 16-20.

(91) Invited text seminar on Plato’s Sophist 253d-e, Conference on Plato’s Sophist, Seattle University, Nov. 16-17, 2012.

(92) I led a seminar on Parmenides 155e-157a, hosted by Eric Sanday at the University of Kentucky, March 17, 2013, communicating by Facetime.

(93) Invited seminar presentation of my work on Plato’s “longer way,” hosted by John Ferrari (Classics) at the University of California at Berkeley, April 8, 2014.

(94) Invited member of a discussion panel on Dmitri Nikulin’s The Other Plato, New School, April 23, 2014.

(95) “Intuition and Logos in the Eleatic Trilogy, with a Focus on The Visitor’s Jokes at Statesman 266a.”  Invited speaker, Conference on Plato’s Statesman, Boston College, Nov. 20-22, 2014.

(96) “The ‘Turnings’ of the Soul: the Five Mathematical Studies in Plato’s Republic VII.”  Invited speaker, St. John’s College in Santa Fe, Dec. 5, 2014.

(97) “The ‘Unwritten Teachings’ in the Philebus.”  Keynote Speaker at the meeting of the Ancient Philosophy Society, University of Kentucky, April 10, 2015.